Winter’s Bite: Keeping Warm Without Breaking The Bank

It has finally arrived. The chill is here. And, boy, does it sting.

Last Sunday morning, we all woke up to that delightful dusting of snow across the jagged Edinburgh landscape. It wasn’t much. But it was enough. Enough to lift the spirits and to inspire many a glorious afternoon stroll.

But, as pretty as it all looks, it also reminds us that things are going to get a wee bit chilly from here on in for a good few months to come. And, with energy prices increasingly on the up, this is very worrying for many, as we try to keep comfortable through testing times.

Around this moment last year, we put a blog entry out about this very subject. We highly recommend that you take a look at Seasonal Savings: Keeping Your Home Warm Without Turning Up The Heat. They may seem like common sense points, but it’s always worth a reminder when there is so much going on in our lives and the stress is high.

In this entry, we thought we’d go a little further and see what else we could find with regards to keeping warm on the cheap this year. Again, these may seem a little obvious. But one simple idea unidentified could end up costing a lot. So, without further ado, let’s look at some ideas on how you can keep warm this winter without breaking the bank.

Layer Up: We said they’d be obvious. Yes, you will undoubtedly do this sort of thing instinctively, but make sure all of your thick, comfy clothes are ready and fit for purpose. Are they clean? Are they in need of repair? Do you need to pop to the shops for something new? Seek out what you have and check out the situation. Then, when another cold snap comes around, you’ll be well prepared and good to go.

Hot Beverages: Again, this one will probably not have escapes your thoughts, but make sure you have everything you need. If the weather is foul, do you have enough to see you through days or even weeks of icy air? A good warm drink will warm you up from the inside, so make sure you have plenty. And don’t ignore the opportunity for variety. It’ll keep morale up and, well, who doesn’t like a hot chocolate on a snowy night?

Oven Afterheat: If you have children or pets, you should be careful with this one, but it’s definitely a trick worth noting. If you’ve cooked yourself a nice, hot meal in the oven (because hot food warms you up too!), leave the oven door open when you’re done. The hot air will escape and give the place that little bit of a boost that you might need (and a nice smell). But, please remember to turn the oven off first. It’s not a primary source of heating for your home and, if you have gas, can be especially dangerous. Just enjoy the afterheat.

Upstairs Advantage: As we all remember from science class at school, warm air rises. If you have an upper level to your home, try and spend more time there, if you can, to take advantage of the warmer space. You can shuffle things about to make your environment more appealing and more liveable, such as moving the TV upstairs…Well, how else are you to watch The Muppet Christmas Carol?

Keep Active: Speaking of shuffling about and going up and down the stairs, there is no healthier way to keep warm than to get your body moving. Movement gets the heart pumping, generates body heat and helps burn off those midnight Quality Street that we’ve all tucked into a trifle too early this year. Whether it’s a workout in the bedroom or a clean around the kitchen, exercise is good for you and great way to lift your temperature.

These are hard times and we’re all looking for ways to stay comfortable without selling our grannies.

Take a look at the link at the beginning of this entry and don’t forget the obvious stuff we’ve mentioned here today. If we think it through, get creative and put in a solid effort, all of us will feel a lot richer come those sunnier, if currently distant, darling months of spring.

From everyone here at Belvoir Edinburgh, we hope you’re all doing okay. Keep warm. Keep safe. And keep smiling.

Now go and have a cup of tea, you champion. You’ve earned it.

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