Seasonal Savings: Keeping Your Home Warm Without Turning Up The Heat

So, autumn is here.

If you read last week’s blog  on Why Autumn Is The Best Season (which, if you haven’t, we would strongly advise that you do) you will recall that we at Belvoir Edinburgh are massive fans of the season. The colours, the clothes…Well, it’s all there in black in white. We make, we think, a compelling case for it being the finest time in all of the year.

Having said all of that, there is no doubt that it presents its problems. The most obvious of those being the rapid and penetrating slump in temperature. We may be a land of tough and weather hardened Scots but, let’s be honest, who is a fan of the cold?

Out and about, this isn’t so much of an issue. We can dress up in our warmest, cosiest autumn wear and look mighty fine whilst doing it. But sitting at home in the living room, the situation can be an altogether different and, let’s face it, expensive affair. And with Covid still buzzing around our lives and income perhaps not being all that it once was, saving some of the old pennies will be riding high on the priority list for many over the coming months.

So what can be done? How can we keep our homes warm in the cooler weather without cranking up too much on the heating bills?

Well, let’s take a look at 5 little things you can do to help relieve some pressure on yourselves and keep your home nice and toasty without entirely breaking the bank.

Let In The Sun: There are some gloriously beautiful days during autumn, so let the sunshine do what it does best! Open up those curtains and let the light poor in. It’ll notch up the temperature around the home, save you from turning on so many lights and put you in a mighty good mood. It’s a win-win situation! Just remember to close those curtains when night time eventually arrives. They will provide extra insulation against those frosty outside elements and help keep those tootsies of yours nice and warm.

Rug It Up: Speaking of keeping your tootsies warm, covering your floors with rugs is a great insulation solution. Heat can escape through your floorboards, but putting down a rug made of some sort of fabric will help to trap the heat and keep just where you want it: inside. They also look great and, as we mentioned, feel friendly to your feet. Come on, people! Why wouldn’t you do it?

Blanket Solutions: Okay, this is an obvious solution and we feel a trifle cheeky even for mentioning it, but… how much do we love our blankets? Snuggled up on the sofa with a cup of soup and a night of Netflix binging? Is there really anything better?  Just make sure you get a quality blanket that keeps you toasty and is likely to last. Then, whether in the living room or tucked up in bed, you’ll be able to keep the heating down and save yourself on some much needed cash. Cosy!

Cover The Cracks: There are all sorts of nooks and crannies around the home where heat can escape, so take a look around and do what you can to nullify their sapping power. Check around your windows especially, as even the smallest of cracks can let out a whole tonne of heat. And, if the bottom of your doors are not quite as insulation friendly as they should be, a good old door stopper should do the trick. Sausage dog anyone?

Close The Doors: If you have rooms in your home that are rarely in use, why spend so much money heating them? Close the doors and let the heat circulate around the places that you actually need. Okay, that guest room might be a little chilly for a time, but were you planning on having any guests around to stay this week? Be smart around the place and, believe us, your pocket will almost certainly reap the rewards. Don’t forget, Christmas is coming!

Heating the home at this time of year can be an expensive affair, so don’t forget to check for constructive solutions around the home. Quite often it’s the little things that can make the biggest difference, so try to be forensic. You will thank yourself in the long run.

Take care of yourselves and keep smiling.

Happy Housekeeping.

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