The Colours Of Magic: Why Autumn Is The Best Season

Was it all just a dream?

It seems only a moment ago that summer was right here with us. Warm. Still. Cautious. A very different sort of summer, no doubt. But a summer all the same.

Where did it go? Did we do something wrong? Is it ever coming back?

There is always an odd sense of surprise when autumn finally shows up at our front door. Partly because it has a canny tendency to sneak up on us when we’re not quite paying proper attention. Partly because, well, we don’t really want summer to end. Or, perhaps more accurately, we don’t wish for autumn to arrive.

But do we give autumn a bad rap?  Yes, it can be grizzly, damp and grey and all that, but surely there is much to be admired and to look forward to over the coming darkened days?

Well, in short, of course there is! This is the time of year where our senses are treated to a starry carnival of wonders. Of colours, tastes and short, sleepy afternoons.  Of hot chocolate, steamy kitchen windows and chirpy red breasted robins. Don’t believe us? Don’t remember? Well, shame on you.

Pack away your despair, fair reader! There is no use for it here. Autumn is the best time of year and we are going to prove it to you. Now sit back, relax, nurse your hot cup of coco, and let us remind you why the rest of the year is going to be absolutely freakin’ amazing.

The Weather: That’s right! We said it! There is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes. You might be mourning the loss of sweltering sunshine, gales, rain and then sweltering sunshine again, all before brunch. But the one thing you can count on with autumn is that it will be consistently cool. Yes, there may be rain. Yes, there may be gales. But there will also be crisp mornings, mysterious fogs and a more present sense of free air. Heavens, if you were stuck in a climate that was sunny all of the time, would you not long for the sound of rain pattering against your bedroom window? Of course you would.

The Colour: Autumn leaves and autumn trees. Is there a more beautiful sight in all of the world? We are blessed in Edinburgh with so many parks and quiet places of unspoiled scenery, that it is difficult not to be dazzled by nature’s unparalleled majesty. The reds, browns and golden yellows of autumn somehow have a quiet, easing quality to them that lend us a comforting reminder that some things, even amongst all of the chaos, will never change. Seasons come and go. Autumns will always be beautiful. And, no matter your how old you are or where you have come from, conker season will always rekindle an innocent childlike sense of joy and wonder.

The Clothes: It’s all very well plodding around it shorts and t-shirts every day from the months of May to August, but surely there is nothing quite as comfortable or stylish than the plethora of autumn wear available to fashion? That big, warm coat? That lovely scarf and dashing hat? Tell the truth: how long have you been waiting to throw those on and take a walk through Princes St Gardens with a hot cup of coffee in hand? Well, the time is nearly upon us. Cast aside those sleeveless shirts and summer dresses. Things are about to get super cuddly.

The Food: When it comes down do good old fashioned, wholesome knosh, autumn is where it’s at. That may sound like a review for a fancy George Street eatery, but we all know that nothing quite beats the reassurance of a rich and hearty plate of British loveliness. Soups, stews, pies…YUM!! The choices are endless and wrapped in seasonal excitement. Throw in some soft candle light and a friendly beverage and you’ve got yourself something close to heavenly. Can you wait? We can’t.

The Celebrations: Speaking of not being able to wait, are you feeling the need for something to celebrate? Us too. It has been a bit of a worrisome old year and we think it’s about time something good happened. Well, look no further. Autumn gives us plenty of reasons to smile. It’s not quite clear at this point how it will be done (we will maybe speak of that in a later blog), but Halloween, Guy Fawkes and, later, Christmas!! Come on, guys. Put your party pants on. We’re going to turn this year around.

The afternoons are beginning to tire and the nights, as the old saying goes, are fair drawing in. But do not despair, dear reader. Do not turn sour. For there is much to love and to admire and to hope for as the year slowly turns once more.

We hope that you have enjoyed our little piece and that you have taken some solace from it.

What do you love about autumn? Do you agree with the points made? Be sure to let us know on social media.

Until then, take care. Stay Safe. And remember: there’s no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes. Enjoy the magic.

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