White Fury: Protecting Your Home From Snow Damage

We all love a bit of snow.

It’s pretty, it’s romantic and it turns us all back into those little children that we all know we really are at heart …for better or for worse.

But (yes, there’s a ‘but’), we all would agree, no doubt, that the stuff is bloomin’ freezing. And that, dear reader, comes with its problems.

Last week, we had a wee look at how you could keep yourself warm in these chilly days. If you didn’t catch it, just click on Winter’s Bite: Keeping Warm Without Breaking The Bank. Hopefully you’ll find some of the points useful over the coming weeks and months.

You are not, however, the only one that needs a bit of tenderness and care as the temperature falls and the snow begins to tumble.

Your home, like us all, needs to be loved in order to thrive. Therefore, a bit of thought and effort is required to make sure that the white fury, that could potentially await us all this winter, doesn’t do some long and lasting damage.

What can you do? How can you protect your home from serious snow damage?

Not to worry. We’re on the case.

So, pop on your woolly hat and wrap that snowman scarf around your neck. Cos we’re going outside.

Branch Control: Before we get to the property itself, we must take a look at the environment surrounding the property. Namely, the trees. Those branches might look good and strong to you, but an increase in weight caused by the snow, and a dramatic drop in temperature, can quickly change all of that with some devastating consequences. You might not want to cut down an entire tree, but maybe give some suspicious looking branches a trim. Better that than them landing on your car or, heaven forbid, come through your living room window.

Clear Pipes: We all know that when water freezes it expands. So, if there’s water in your pipes and it expands, well, we’re sure you can see where we’re going with this. Cracks can appear and bursts can occur causing all sorts of mayhem that we could all do without. So, drain any water from outdoor faucets and disconnect any outdoor hoses.  In fact, do whatever you can to insure that nothing could possibly go wrong. And don’t forget about those pipes in cooler interior spaces, such as a garage or basement. Good insulation can be a life saver.

Unclog Gutters: Yes, those pipes aren’t the only things that can get challenged by that relentless white fluff of December. With the melting and refreezing of snow over days of harsh weather, ice dams can develop, block up those gutters  and lead to some pretty serious damage. So, do what you can to make sure that any leaves, twigs and any general mush are out of the way. This will give you the best chance to make sure that everything is flowing as it should and that no nightmare scenarios crop up and bite you in the wallet.

Roof Relief: Just as with the trees we spoke about earlier, you’ll want to keep an eye on what’s going on above you. Extra weight can be damaging and, potentially, dangerous, so do what you can to clear it if things seem to be getting out of control. If you have a long-handled snow rake, you might be able to do the edges by yourself. However, if you’re unsure and it’s starting to cause unsettling sounds or misshaping, get a professional in to fix it for you as soon as possible.

Cool Attic: You might think that a warm attic might be useful at this time of year, but that actually couldn’t be further from the truth.  A warm attic can cause snow to melt on the ceiling, drain to your gutters and refreeze. And we all know ,from ‘point three’ above, what can go on from there. So, make sure any cracks in your ceiling are filled and secure and also give the same attention to the attic floor. This will prevent hot air from your rooms seeping into your attic and give your gutters some much needed relief.

Nobody wants to bring a downer on things when the snow starts to fall, but it’s good to be prepared for the occasion.

We hope these points are of use to you should the situation arise and that you have a warm, safe and joyful winter.

Take care. Keep smiling. And happy housekeeping.

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