The Red and The Yellow: Autumn In Edinburgh

It’s that time of year again.

It might not feel like it quite yet. The days still linger as the sun beats down something of a breath of warmth. But, as of Wednesday 22nd September, we have officially made that sharp transition from summer into autumn.

And you know what? We couldn’t be happier.

No we’re not a bunch of misery guts (except for Dave. But that’s a different story). We genuinely love this last, cosy quarter that greets us each year. If you don’t believe us, read our blog entry The Colours Of Magic: Why Autumn Is The Best Season from last year. It’s all right there. And autumn 2021 will be no different.

Edinburgh is particularly special around this time of year. Well, it’s special all of the year round, of course, if truth be told. But autumn in Edinburgh has an air of enchantment and mysterious beauty about it that really can’t be matched anywhere, we think, in the entire world.

Why is it so wonderful? What is there to do and see and fall in love with in the greatest of cities in the greatest of seasons?

Pull the lapels up on your duffle and put that pumpkin spice on your latte, dear reader. It’s time to take a walk outside.

Park Perfect: From Marchmont to Princes St Gardens, the glowing spectacle of nature’s changing colours can’t fail to move you in this delicious dream of a city. All wrapped up for the November chill, hot chocolate in hand and the subtle crunch of the icy grass beneath your feet…Where else would you rather find yourself than our very own Auld Reekie? Morning, noon or night, this is the only place to be.

Market Munchies: We all love a wee wander through a farmer’s market on a crisp Saturday morning and with the coming harvest season comes all sorts of new produce to marvel at. A huge part of the city’s culture and identity, get into the flavour of things to come and enjoy the sights and sounds of one of Edinburgh’s most precious of pass times.

Comfort Food: If all of that walking around has gotten you hungry and you’re too tired to cook something up from all of those tasty ingredients you’ve picked up at the market, then it’s time to take advantage of one on Edinburgh’s many, many ridiculously fabulous bars and restaurants. Steaming hot soups, hearty stews, fresh vegetables…This is what autumn is all about! Get stuck in!

Creepy Creepings: This may surprise you, but Edinburgh has something of a reputation when it comes to ghostly goings on. Thrown in some low, lingering mist, damp cobbled streets and an uneasy, queasy feeling under a flickering street light, and you’ve got yourself Edinburgh Halloween for the rest of the year. Shops, pubs and eateries all get involved in the ‘spirit’ of the occasion and there are some great events to jump into and scare you silly. Don’t be afraid…Mwahaha!

Santa’s Coming!!!: Yes, Christmas Day doesn’t actually arrive until Winter time, but the Edinburgh Christmas pretty much gets cracking from 1st November. Before you know it the spectacular Christmas Markets will be in town and it’s all lights, music and gluhwein from there on in. And, for our part, we simply cannot wait! Let’s get this party started!

Summer may be over, but that is no reason to despair. If there is anywhere to be during the closing months of the year, then there is nowhere better than our beloved capital. Breathe it in. Enjoy the sights. It’s going to be a wonderful season.

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