Autumn Series: Let’s Get Cosy

For the closing slice of our autumn series, we’ve decided to take a look at the one thing that we all associate with this intriguing and tongue teasingly tasty time of the year: getting cosy.

It’s a cold day. The rain is lashing. The wind is howling. All you want to do is snuggle up beneath a soft blanket, sip a warm cup of heavenly coco and watch that same old consoling sitcoms you’ve watched several times over all through that dreaded, dastardly lockdown.

In other words, you want to be somewhere warm and comfortable.

Of course, you can crank up that heater or hide beneath the duvet, and it’s all suitably lovely. But why not create an overall feeling of snuggly delight throughout your entire home?

Last week, in our blog entry Autumn Series: Giving Your Home The Scent Of The Season, we spoke briefly about the romance of these closing months of the year and how smells contribute to the ideas and fantasies that we relate to it.

But what else can you do? What other things can we add around the home that will make it feel all super cosy this autumn?

Let’s take a look.

Entrance: After a long, hard day at the office, nothing uplifts the spirits more than a generous welcome. Your front door tells you and everyone else what sort of place this is. So, throw a wreath up there. Dot the entrance with pumpkins and other autumnal flavours. You’ll feel your heart race settle and a sense of calm trickle over your soul. You’re home. It’s time to relax.

Throws: We’ve already brought up the simple fact that blankets are likely to play a key role in these chilly days and nights, so make it as decorative as it is practical. A tartan throw always looks appealing tossed across an otherwise naked sofa (this is Scotland after all), so get out there in our great capital and shop around. They’re attractive, huggable and reliable…Just like us!

Lighting: If you really want to set the mood, then getting the lighting right is a no brainer. That deep, warm yellow of an early autumn eve conjures up all sorts of deep-rooted nostalgia and the frantic, flicker of a lonesome candle will awaken all of that life in you right there in your home. But, if a naked flame isn’t really to your liking, try hanging up some fairy lights to get you in the mood. No, it’s not Christmas yet.  But, frankly, who cares.

Nature: The colours outside are nothing short of spectacular around about now, so bring some of that magic inside to help feel more at one with the natural rhythm of life. Pumpkins, cherries, holy, mistletoe…There’s so much to choose from and they can all help give you that glorious autumn feel. Set against the right light and you’ve got yourself something truly wonderful.

Smells: Yes, okay, we’re kind of cheating here since we spoke about it last week, but we really can’t talk about feeling cosy without mentioning the old nose. The scent of autumn is deep and varied and we all have our own ideas of what the season means to us. If you’d like some tips on how to bring those smells, and all the feelings they bring, to your living space, then tap the little link above and prepare to be amazed. Hopefully they’ll offer you some satisfactory seasonal inspiration.

We all like to be cosy around this time of year, so let’s put in a little effort and make sure we can all feel as happy and in love with our place as we can be. It doesn’t need to cost much, if anything at all. Just a little bit of creativity, courage and care can change everything.

Good luck. And happy housekeeping.

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