Autumn Series: Giving Your Home The Scent Of The Season

What does autumn smell like to you?

Pumpkin?  Cinnamon? Bonfires?

We all have our own smells of the season. A whiff in the air that takes us to that reassuring land where the leaves glow red and the ground crunches beneath our pinching feet.

It’s all very romantic, isn’t it. And what’s wrong with that? Surely we all deserve a little bit of romance in our lives from time to time?

And so, why not add a little bit of that fantastical flavour to your home this autumn? Nobody can guarantee what’s going to happen beyond the front door over the coming months, so let’s create those lovely smells in your own private space and live your love affair with the most romantic of all of the seasons.

If you want to know how you can bring some of that seasonal snap to your nostrils, then read on. We’ve sniffed out some top tactics that will have your home basking in the aromas of autumnal bliss.

Simmer Pot: If you’ve gone home after a night at the Christmas Market and attempted to cook up your own gluhwein (and, let’s face it, who hasn’t), then you’ll know that boiling some fruits and spices can smell really good. Orange slices, cloves, cinnamon sticks…Heck, you know what you like. Let it all simmer and enjoy the glorious aroma. Mmmmm. Gorgeous.

Baking: Around this time of year food becomes a particular obsession of ours. Getting some baking done not only makes the place smell good, but it gives you something fabulous to munch into once it’s all done. Get those autumn ingredients that you love so much and let them perfume the air. It might take a bit of work, but it will be totally worth it in the end. Yum-tastic!

Potpourri: This stuff not only smells great, but it also looks very attractive around the home. Put some in a nice wooden bowl and you’ve got yourself a lovely piece of home décor. As for the scent, you can get all sorts these days and you’re bound to find something that suits your nose. Vanilla Amber? Mulled Cider? Have a look around. There’s so much to choose from.

Cinnamon Pinecones: Speaking of making your home look nice, is there anything more autumnal looking than pinecones? You can buy them in a bag or you can pick some up on a nice morning walk. And to make them smell like cinnamon?  Well, you can find out how to do that right here. It’s quick, easy and smells all kinds of right.

Scented Candles: Yes, it’s an obvious one, but scented candles really are of great quality these days. You can get so many different varieties that you are almost guaranteed to find exactly what you’re looking for. And, let’s face it. When you turn off the lights and just let the candle do its thing…Well, it doesn’t get any more romantic than that, does it.

The right smells can evoke so much. They can take us back to a time or place or, simply, an idea that warms the heart and comforts the soul.

This autumn, why not give yourself a treat. Simmer those fruits and spices. Bake those goods. Light those scented candles. Autumn is coming and it’s going to smell great.

Catch you later, folks. And good luck!

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