Valentine’s Day 2023: Romantic Things To Do In Edinburgh

When you think about romance, it’s difficult to avoid dreaming of such European beauty spots as Paris or Rome. 

And rightly so.

The Eiffel Tower, the Trevi Fountain, the food, the wine…What’s not to love? J’adore!

But, the truth of the matter is, right here in Scotland, we have a city that can match any other in the world for all of that lovey-dovey stuff.

Let’s just say it, loud and proud; Edinburgh is the most romantic city in the world.

As I write those words, I can hear croissants curling on their plates and mouthfuls of morning espresso being spat out of animated Italian mouths.

It’s a bold statement. But we think we can back it up. We’ve got plenty here to fall in love with and fall in love to.

Cobbled streets, dimly lit restaurants, the haunting echo of a distant street piper…Okay, that last one might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but stay with us!

You want to know why Edinburgh is the most romantic place you can be this 14th February? Or any day, come to that?

Well, here you go, you loved up ladies and gentlemen. Here are 5 romantic things you can do in Edinburgh this Valentine’s Day to make your heart leap with joy.

Botanic Gardens: Paradise on earth can be a hard thing to find, but, at the Edinburgh Botanical Gardens, you’re pretty much as close as you’re ever going to get. This lush landscape of beautiful vegetation and winding paths will instantly soothe your soul and make you see life in a whole different light. Take your partner by the hand and take a leisurely stroll through this magical forest of wonders. An absolute must.

Dean Village: One of the amazing things about Edinburgh is just how easily you can reach somewhere that doesn’t appear to be in a city at all. Heading down to Dean Village with a coffee and someone you treasure truly is one of the great pleasures of life in Auld Reekie. Walk along the Water of Leith and then perhaps grab some food over at the gloriously quaint Stockbridge. Take it easy. Take it slow. And let the good times roll. 

Royal Mile: If staying more in the centre of everything is more the style of you romance ninjas out there, spending some time with all that the Royal Mile has to offer is a great way to go. With some fantastic bars and restaurants (The Witchery is scarily romantic), you’ll be all about the candlelight and staring into one another’s eyes. Or, if you want someone to hold onto, go on one of the many ghost tours available to you! Bound to get you in the spirit of the day.

Princes St Gardens: The pair of you might be working in town on Valentine’s Day (it does fall on a Tuesday this year, after all), so why not meet up on your lunch breaks and have a nice bite to eat in the shadow of the great Edinburgh Castle. Princes St Gardens has plenty of benches and stretches of green to have a nice picnic and enjoy one another’s company. Of course, you can go out and do something extra special later that day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make a start at it all and make it a special occasion to remember.

Calton Hill: Before you pop off to a restaurant for a romantic meal for two, we recommend having a stroll up Calton Hill to help work up a ravenous appetite. Watch that beautiful sunset and experience one of the most beautiful sites in all of Edinburgh. If you want a seat, you might want to go early (especially on Valentine’s Day), but what you’ll witness is something truly remarkable. Even magical.

So, there you have it! What more is there to be said? If you want to have the best Valentine’s Day ever, you better make your way to Edinburgh and let its warmth, intimacy and passion overwhelm you.

What will you be doing on 14th February? Be sure to let us know.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

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