Touching Dreamland: Setting Up Your Bedroom For Sleep

Life is stressful.

Some times are more stressful than others and some people have to deal with more stress than other people ever will, but we all lose a bit of shut eye from time to time over this, that and the other.

Right now, it’s probably a safe bet to assume that most people, all around the world (and in one country in particular) are finding sleep hard to come by.

Here in the UK, and in the safety of our homes, there are steps we can take to help get a bit of a good quality doze. We covered this in a previous blog entry Sleeping Beauty: How To Get A Good Night’s Rest. If you’re looking for some handy tips, please do take a look.

This week, however, we are going to take a glance at what you can do specifically within the bedroom to make it more a place of relaxation and peace.


Then let’s head off to the bedroom and see what we can do.

Keep Cool: No, we don’t mean looking and acting super stylish (though we know you pull that one off 24/7). Getting to sleep with the temperature too high can be very problematic, so make sure you set your radiators to a comfortable temperature and that your duvet is appropriate to the season. And, when summer arrives, try cracking open your window or/and investing in a good fan. It’s easier to warm up than to cool down, so think about what you can do to get to that beautiful goldilocks spot.

Keep Dark: We have evolved, like so many other creatures, to nap at night. Yes, there will be those out there who tend to be more active after the sun goes down (oh, you crazy night owls you), but, generally speaking, in darkness is where we dream. So turn off all those lights, dispose of all electrics and get yourself some proper dark curtains. And, if there still seems to be some light creeping through from goodness knows where? Two words: Eye mask.

Keep Quiet: This one really is a no brainer…Or is it? Things are usually reasonably quiet after midnight, though city life can get a bit raucous around the weekend. Turn off the radio and the bedroom TV and let the silence lull you into a calm and soothing sleep. If some outside activity is aggravating the ears, earplugs are always a good option. But, if some sounds actually do help you to relax, ask Alexa to play you rain sounds or gentle birdsong. Whatever works for you.

Keep Clean: There is a train of thought that the state of your bedroom reflects the state of your mind. Whether this is true or not, goodness knows, but do you really feel comfortable if the place where you want to relax and be utterly vulnerable is a complete mess? Decluttering your bedroom can make you de-stress and help you feel like you’re in a place that’s safe and suitable for shut-eye. Keep on top of it and it won’t take too much effort. Well worth a try.

Keep Comfy: Sometimes your bedding just doesn’t feel right. Your back is aching, the pillows are thin and your duvet, as well as smelling a trifle ripe, just doesn’t feel as good as it once did. Try and change it all around now and again, particularly if you’ve noticed that you’re not getting enough rest. You might very well need to start thinking about a new mattress as well. Yes, these can be expensive and a financial worry in these tough times, but can you really put a price on your health? We all need to sleep, after all.

Sleeping is not always a dream, so have a think about what else you can do to make getting the forty winks you need a more achievable goal.

Were these points useful? Did we miss anything out? Be sure to let us know. Sleep tight! And don’t let those bed bugs bite!

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