Summer Showers: Things To Do In Edinburgh With The Kids When It's Raining

Oh, the soggy summers of Scotland.

To be fair, this is not necessarily always the case. If I recall correctly, last year was quite decent in that regard. I certainly remember sweltering on a stroll down Gorgie road one morning wishing I’d worn something marginally lighter and, yes, much more fashionable.

But 2023? What on earth is going on?

Sure, there have been the odd patches here and there that have inspired some timid spark of hope to reveal itself. But this is all very brief and has fizzled out as ferociously as it had caught fire.

In a word, the weather this summer has been disappointing…And it’s not over yet.

The big question is what do you do when it’s raining cats and dogs? More urgently, if you’re parents, what do you do with the kids?

The summer holidays can always be a stressful time for those trying to keep the children entertained. However, when the weather just isn’t playing ball, it can be doubly so.

But don’t worry. This is Edinburgh. The greatest city in the world. If there is an answer to your problems and your prayers, you’re going to find them here.

So, catch your breath and pack your stress away in the ‘Not Needed’ box. It’s all going to be fine.

Here’s a sprinkling of 5 things to do with your children in Edinburgh this summer when the weather is not all that it should be.

The Festival: If your thoughts are anywhere close to Edinburgh at the moment, it’s difficult to avoid the fact that the Edinburgh Festival is rampaging through town at the moment. Of course, we here at Belvoir Edinburgh absolutely love Auld Reekie in August and, if you have kids and are worrying about what to do with them in the rain, it is an absolute Godsend. Yes, there’s lots of street theatre and other delights parading around outside, but there’s plenty to seek out and enjoy indoors for yourself and those lovely little ones of yours. Grab yourself a Fringe Magazine, or take a gander at the Fringe Website, and you’ll discover that there is plenty to amaze, entertain and delight, all in a nice dry space. No umbrellas required. Fabulous!

National Museum Of Scotland: The kids might not be at school, but that doesn’t mean that they still can’t learn a little something. And, if they can have some fun while doing it, more the bonus! If that sounds like something that appeals to you, then the National Museum Of Scotland is one to add on your list. Not only is there something for everyone, but it’s also all absolutely free! Contained within inspiring architecture, education has never been so scintillating. Race cars? They got them. Dinosaurs? Of course! Ancient artefacts? Please…Class is in session.

Dynamic Earth: Continuing the theme of education (we here at Belvoir Edinburgh are, of course, all about learning), Dynamic Earth is a state of the art attraction, taking you through the history of the world, from the big bang right up to the modern day. Again, this one is superb for all ages. Even if they are perhaps too young to take in and understand some of the information, the visuals and all around experience will most definitely leave a positive impression on them. Perfect for a rainy day, this fascinating and thrilling experience will leave you craving for more knowledge about the natural world. Earth shattering stuff.

Camera Obscura: Sitting just short of the peak of the Royal Mile, Camera Obscura has been entertaining families for generations and is an undoubted highlight of Edinburgh’s vast landscape of attractions and interests. With five floors of optical illusions and an absolutely knockout view from the building’s summit, you can (and should) spend hours of fun here, being dazzled and amazed by all of its visual splendour. It can get really busy though, so get there early or book yourself tickets online to guarantee a spot. Don’t worry. It’ll be absolutely worth it. So snap up a place and get ready to be thoroughly entertained.

Edinburgh Dungeons: This one might not be appropriate for those of you with younger children, but teenagers are sure to love this world famous fright fest. And it’s great fun for the adults too! Huddled just at the bottom of Cockburn Street and only two minute walk from Waverly Station, this crazily popular attraction has been scaring up a frenzy for years and has never been more popular. Wonderfully performed by a dedicated cast, telling tales that are bound to give you sleepless nights, this spooky and spine tingling, must do experience is a rocket fueled rollercoaster through hell and back. Terrifyingly good.

It has been drizzly and miserable for a good cut of the past month or so and, as fun as it can be jumping in puddles wearing frog faced wellies, we are, quite frankly, sick of it.

Edinburgh has so much to offer you and your family, whatever the weather, and we highly recommend that you take advantage of all of the world class attractions that it has to offer.

Did we miss anything out? What do you like to do when it’s raining? Or do you, actually, quite like getting drenched? Be sure to get in touch and let us know!

Whatever it is you decide to do this summer, we here at Belvoir Edinburgh hope you have a truly wonderful time.

Ooh! The sun has popped out! I’m off to get some ice cream!…Bye!

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