The Magic of Morningside

It’s probably fair to say that the attractive Morningside has something of a reputation within the city of Edinburgh as being one of the more affluent parts of town.

Sitting south of the city centre and bordering the beautiful area of Bruntsfield, if you like your coffee shops charming and your independent stores cheerful, then Morningside will most definitely be the place for you.

Homely and with a warm sense of community that can be difficult to find in any large town or city, this leafy suburb of Edinburgh is a popular spot to settle down. Close enough to Princes St to feel connected, and yet far enough away to have your own sense of place, you’ve pretty much got it made for you here.

But what should you really be looking out for in one of the capital’s most famous spots? What highlights are there to look forward to?

Well, quit your wondering, ladies, and gentlemen! Because that’s exactly what we’re about to tell you!

Morningside tips?

Try these on for size!

Blackwood Coffee: You’re never going to be short of somewhere to nip in for a cheeky brew here in Morningside. But, we have to say, we are big fans of this popular cafe on the corner of Canaan Lane. With its huge windows you can enjoy a delicious hot beverage and a slice of something nice whilst watching the world roll on by. The atmosphere is cosy and the decor is pleasing on the eye, which helps make this place a top recommendation in our book. Make sure you try the scones!…Yummy!!

Dominion Cinema: Here in Auld Reekie, we’re all about the movies. Over the years many blockbusters have been shot here (Avengers: Infinity War anyone!) and film stars made here (Sir Sean Connery, no less). It should come as no shock, therefore, that we also have our fair share of cinemas. And the Dominion Cinema on Morningside is one of the most famous and unique of them all. Opening its doors back in 1938, this is one of only two family run cinemas in the entire of Scotland. A great space for all the family, rain or shine, the Dominion Cinema is a great alternative to some of the more commercial multiplex options out there. A box office smash!

Wild West Morningside: Yes, you read that right. Along a side street, just off Springvalley Gardens, you’ll find an intriguing slice of cowboy heaven that is little known even to locals. With a jail, cantina and a ghost town like atmosphere, you might think that you’ve stumbled into an abandoned Hollywood set. But this is simply Edinburgh at its most quirky. You possibly couldn’t get anything less Scottish than a Wild West set. And yet, in all of its oddness and -ehm- eccentricity, you also could not get anything more Scottish. Initially an advertising gimmick for a furniture company, it is now something of a secret point of interest…And it certainly is interesting.

Hermitage Of Braid: Morningside -though having its fair share of shops, bars and restaurants – is not exactly the busiest side of town. However, it’s still good to get away from it once and a while. And that, my friend, is what the Hermitage Of Braid is for. Popular with dog walkers and joggers, this stunning area is just a short walk away. With glorious historical features, a sea of trees and even a café (yes, they really are everywhere), what more could you possibly ask for? Of all of the parks that you can find here in Edinburgh (and there are many), this is most definitely one of our favourites. A touch of paradise.

Morningside is a popular neighbourhood for those who want to live in the city, but not necessarily smack-bang in the middle of all of the action. It has everything you could possibly need and want…And just that little bit more.

Curious? Then why not hop on a bus, or take a walk, and go and check it out!

We promise you, you won’t be disappointed.

From everyone here at Belvoir Edinburgh, we hope you have a wonderful week.

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