The Great Outdoors: Getting Your Garden Ready For Summer

It’s almost upon us.

Can you feel the heat? Can you smell the flowery scent of anticipation?

A few short weeks from now and it will all be official. Mark it on your calendar. Wipe down your Top Gun pilot glasses and dust off those crusty old sandals you forgot you had. Summer, ladies and gentlemen, is nervously peeking around the corner.

Well, sort of….We think so…Apparently.

For, living in Scotland, you’re never quite sure what exactly you’re going to get on the weather front, are you. We could get blistering sunshine for 8 weeks. Then again, it could rain cats and dogs, and all sorts of other God forsaken things, from now until the end of time.

Where do your bets lay?

Here at Belvoir Edinburgh, though, we’re doing our bit to make sure we get the blistering sunshine that we all deserve. We’ve done all of the relevant dances. We’ve prayed to all of our Gods and sacrificed the boss’s Friday tie out in the back yard.

The rest is up to the universe. What more could we possibly do?

All that’s left now is to make sure we’re that all prepped for what, we hope, is to come. And so, this week, we thought we’d put together a handful of helpful tips on how you can get your garden ready for all of that gloriously sunny weather.

You may think you’re ready. Heck, maybe you are. Maybe you’ve transformed that winter jungle into a perfect Eden during this past springtime.

But, just in case, let’s take a quick look at what you should do to get your garden ready for summer 2022.

Lawn Love: Who doesn’t love the smell of freshly cut grass in summertime? Is there a scent that sums up the season any better? Of course, it’s not just about that. It’s actually about people getting out there and making their lawn look respectable. Now is the time to cut the grass and nail that perfect garden look. Picnic anyone?

Weed Work: Since you’re putting the work in, you might as well get on your knees and pull out those weeds that have been parading around all year. Yes, it’s a bit of a pain, but the place will look so much better with a bit of effort and you’ll feel so proud of yourself at the end of it all. Think of that glass of lemonade that you’ll have to reward yourself with…Okay, ice cream.

Furniture Fun: When the outdoor tables and chairs are in use, it can only be the sunniest time of the year. Make sure that they’re all still strong and in order. Check for any rot or rust and maybe give those bits and pieces a little lick of paint. When you’re done, it’ll be summer lunches out on the garden for weeks to come…Hopefully.

Super Style: With all of that work done, you’re just about ready to sit back and enjoy the season. But why stop there? Look for areas where you could refresh and spark a bit of the “wow” factor. Whether it’s a new bird table, some evening lights or, heck, a brand new gnome, treat yourself and your garden to something new in 2022. 

BBQ Burning: What summer would be complete without the traditional British barbecue? Nothing, that’s what! Take that bad boy out and ensure that everything is clean and in place. Then…well, you know what to do. It’s time to cook some meat.

A sizzling summer is just what we all need right now, so having a garden fit for purpose is essential.

Take a look around and see what you can do. We hope the list we’ve offered you has been helpful.

Happy summer everyone!

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