The Bling Effect: How To Make Your Home Look More Expensive

How has your home been looking during lockdown?

If you’re anything like us, you’ll know that keeping the place in tip-top shape has not been precisely top of the priority list over the past 12 months or so.

Yes, we gave it a good go from time to time. We even scrubbed the shower and dusted every inch when all of this nonsense first came about. But, steadily and surely, motivation begins to dwindle and loses its much required oomph. The result? Well, you probably know the answer to that.

Now, however, it’s all about change.  You’ve got your sparkle back and, if you read our blog entry a couple of weeks ago on Getting Your Home Ready For Guests, you’ll know that it’s about time to hit the hoover and rid your pad of those dastardly lockdown blues.

But why stop there?

If ever there was a moment to properly show off what your home is capable of, then now is that moment. Bring out the fabulous, darling, and give your home that luxurious champagne quality that it so richly deserves.

Not sure what on earth we’re talking about? Well, good ladies and gentle sirs, do read on and we’ll explain precisely what we mean.  Put down that prosecco! It’s time to get proper posh!

Big Art: We all know that a great piece of art on the wall can add a bit of class to any room, so don’t be shy to show off something big and spectacular to attract the attention of guests. Make sure it’s something personal to you though. Perhaps it’s a much loved piece that has a special connection to you or, maybe, you even painted it yourself. Whatever it is, it’s there to invite conversation and add some value to the environment, so be sure to have your back story noted and memorised.

History Buff: Whether you picked it up on that holiday to Ibiza or had it handed down to you from your Grandma, if you have something that looks in any way like a historical item, be sure to put it on display for all to see. Like the painting we discussed above, it can give a space a sense of culture and status that might very well lift the room and the property as a whole. In fact, if you have several of such items, distribute them around the place. We guarantee you, even the smallest of additions can have a massive impact.

Rug It Up: There are all kinds of reasons you should have a rug, particularly if you are blessed with wooden flooring. But, if you want to make you r home look like a palace, then a rug is a great way to go about it. Persian is good and the bigger the better, but if you only have room for something modest it’s still worth going for it. They look amazing and, yes, they are dead comfy on the bare feet.

Front Fantastic: It’s all very well and good to focus your energy on the interior of the home, but don’t forget what it looks like from the outside. That front door has seen better days and it’s time to show it a bit of love. Give it a lick of paint and, perhaps, a new door knocker (brass is always snazzy). When you’re all done, passers -by will look and think “Gosh! That place must be expensive!”.  And they’ll never be any the wiser.

Switch Up: Okay, this one is an incy wincy bit more extravagant, but totally worth it if you have the money for it. Replacing your regular lights switches in the home with dimmer switches  just screams sophistication and, let’s face it, they’re an awful lot of fun (not to mention kind on the eyes). Remember when you were young and you discovered your friend’s parents had electric windows in the car? Remember the amazement? Well, times that by ten and put it in your living room. You’ll never want to leave the house again.

We can’t all afford to live how the others live, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a classy home. With a bit of vision, creativity and love, any home can rise above its numerical value in your eyes and the eyes of the people you have around. So, take a look at the space you have and what you can afford to purchase. Perhaps you just need to move things around? Or, perhaps, you have some hidden treasures up in the attic or hidden in a box under the stairs? Whatever you’ve got, or whatever you can do, it’s sure to make a bigger impact than you think.

Good luck! And Happy Housekeeping!

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