Summer Holidays: Readying Your Home Before Going Away

It’s one of the most exciting times of the year.

Everything is booked, paid for and marked on the calendar. Where is it this year? Italy? France? Majorca?

Wherever it is you are heading off to, we at Belvoir Edinburgh all hope that you have a wonderful time and that you come back with a top notch tan and a royal bundle of memories to treasure.

But, before you go, there’s something we need to discuss: have you thought about your home?

Yes, we know, you’ve been busy packing and your home is actually the place you’re trying to get away from. But, take a moment to consider what you’ll be coming back to.

One part of going on holiday that frequently – and understandably – skips the mind is doing what needs to be done around your property so that you don’t get any nasty surprises when you return.

Not sure what we’re on about?

Well, let’s take a few minutes here and have a look at what you can do to get your house in order before you disappear on your sun soaked adventures.

We promise you, you won’t want to miss out on any of them.

Tidy Up: We know it’s the last thing you want to think about right now, but you will thank yourself for doing a quick scrub about when you come back a few weeks from now. Put things in their place, do a quick round with the hoover and make sure all of the dishes are clean and packed. It doesn’t have to be anything hardcore, but it will be a major relief later down the road.

Pets & Plants: Now, you might not have either of these things. However, if you do, you’ll obviously have to think about how they are going to be managed whilst you’re away. You could give a spare key to a friend or trustworthy neighbor to pop in and tend to the plants and goldfish. Or, if you’re a dog or/and cat person, arrange the right accommodation and care. We know you’ll miss them. They’ll miss you too. So make sure everything is planned for them before you head off. Maybe send them a postcard?…No? Maybe that’s just us.

Perishables: Don’t forget to do this! If you don’t, you will be in for one heck of a nasty shock when you get back. Check the fridge for things like milk and cheese, and also your veg box and bread bin. If they’ve still got a bit of time left on them, perhaps pop next door and see if they can make use of what’s left. If not, remember to throw them out. The last thing you want is decomposing food around. Of, if you do happen to forget, but remember later on, perhaps get in touch with whomever you’ve lent a spare key to and ask, politely, if they can deal with the situation. Job done!

Unplug Appliances: Just before you walk out of that front door, make sure that all electronics are switched off and unplugged. This will ensure that you’re not paying for power you’re not using and that your home is as safe as can be. Of course, when we say everything, we don’t mean the fridge/freezer. That could end up being something of a disaster.

Windows & Doors: If you could get someone to check on your home from time to time, that would be great. But do yourself a favour and make sure your windows are closed and locked, as well as your back and front doors. It would probably be a good idea to pull the blinds down too so you won’t get people peeking in and taking advantage of your absence. Do what you can to make your home secure, so you can lay back, relax and enjoy your margarita in the sun without a worry in the world.

We all love going on a summer holiday. But, before we go, it’s good to get the home organised and ready for your return.

Wherever you’re off to this year, we at Belvoir Edinburgh hope you have an amazing break.

Take care and don’t forget to send us your holiday pics!

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