Size Up, Size Down: Benefits Of A Larger Home

If you were to move home tomorrow, what sort of property would you be after?

It’s a fun sort of question, isn’t it? And full of possibilities. The immediate images that pop into mind are usually quite outlandish ones. Grand Scottish castles, romantic Italian villas, Tony Stark’s Malibu mansion…you know the sorts of thing.

One of the main reasons that we come up with such spectacular images is really down to the size. We dream of somewhere so massive we need a map to get around. It screams luxury, wealth and the sense that you’ve made it. The bigger it is the better you are. Right?

Well, that is both true and not true. There are advantages and disadvantages to having a larger property, though we tend to focus more on what having such a property represents rather than taking time to assess their practical purpose.

During this Size Up, Size Down series, we are going to take a look at what is positive and what is negative about having a larger or smaller home. You may think you want a superhero pad, but you might actually be a lot better off with a quiet cottage in the capital. You just don’t know it yet. Or maybe upgrading from a two room flat into a two story house is exactly what you need.

In this entry, we are going to take a look at the benefits of a larger home. What is it about a bigger place that could really be beneficial to you? What can it offer that a smaller place just cannot? Let’s have a look.

Children: If you are in the market to purchase a larger home, it may be because you have children or are thinking of having them soon. A smaller place might work for now, but space is quickly going to start running out as those little feet begin to get bigger and bigger. You rarely hear anybody with children say that there home is just too big for them. And there’s a good reason for that.

Storage: The older we get, the more stuff we seem to acquire. And some stuff, no matter how desperate you are, you simply cannot get rid of. If you are in a position where clutter seems to be the defining characteristic of your home, then it may be time to look for something with a little more space. But if you’re not in a position to move right now, why not take a look at Storage Secrets: Big Tips For Small Homes to keep you going for a while?

Guests: We all like the idea of having people over from time to time, but the reality is it’s just not possible for everybody. Having a larger place will allow you to have a spare room and somewhere for a family member or friend to rest after they’ve been entertaining the kids all day. Nobody wants to direct their dearest to the closest B&B or hotel, so maybe getting somewhere with a little more room could be for you if you like having people over.

Business: For many, more space would have been very useful for work during the pandemic. But even when this is all over, many will be considering how they will be going about their jobs in the future and if it is necessary to travel to an office. Maybe you are changing careers and are going freelance? Either way, a larger property will allow you to set up a working area and operate your business from the comfort of your own home. Now, doesn’t that sound good?

Value: Yes, this is a biggie. You might love all of the above advantages of living in a large home, but it can also be a wise financial investment. If you have purchased the property, selling up later down the road is likely to be very rewarding and fetch a high price because of its size. Spacious homes are always in high demand, so it is definitely something to keep in mind.

Many of us love the idea of moving into a larger place and there are many reasons why it might actually be the right move for you.

But what are the disadvantages? Can there possibly be any? Tune in next week and we’ll talk about the down sides of going for big.

Until then, take care of yourselves. Stay safe. And, from everyone here at Belvoir Edinburgh, have a fantastic week.

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