Putting The Spring Back Into Your Step

It might not feel like it – it might not feel like it at all, actually – , but the Great British Springtime is almost upon us. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. Come the 20th day of this very month, the winter of 2019/2020, that cruel and lingering scoundrel of a season, will be, officially, tossed aside onto the reeking garbage heap of history and we can all, at long last, once again begin to believe in the magical Vitamin D giving powers of that big, bright, elusive ball in the sky, aka The Sun…Or, at least, that’s the theory, anyway.

Because, if we are to be honest with ourselves, deep down in our hearts, we all know that that wicker picnic basket that you acquired on discount last October after an uncharacteristic fit of Monday evening optimism, is still perfectly safe where it is (in the attic) and that any thought of removing its £3.99 price-tag from its suspiciously fragrant handles can be cheerfully reserved for another few months yet.

Having said all of that, it’s never a bad thing to start planning ahead. You might not be able to speed up the likelihood of scotch eggs and prosecco in the park (yes, it’s a thing), but reminding yourself of what is to come through achievable changes in the home is a sure fire way to boost your mood and put a spring in the step of anyone who should happen to drop by.

Sound like something you’d like to get stuck into and not sure where to start? Fear not! Listed below are five ways in which you can turn your place around for the coming season. Take a look! We hope it helps.

Plant Power: The daisies and daffodils are trying their best but, let’s face it, it still looks a bit like a Tim Burton movie out there. Does your home look the same? Yes? Well, it doesn’t need to be that way.  Bringing some plant life into your home not only adds a splash of colour, but also lends a sense of growth that can stimulate your mood.

Window Work: Plants, like us, need a bit of sunshine. Whilst the yellow stuff may still be trifle hard to come by, it’s best to give our leafy friends the best chance as possible to grow by giving them a handsome spot next to the window. Only, the Autumn and Winter seasons have left those windows less than handsome, haven’t they. Brown spots, unfamiliar fingerprints…you name it, it’s there. Give those bad boys a clean and ‘Wham!’ the place will appear so much brighter. And why not treat yourself to a lighter set of curtains? Those windows are looking almost brand new and deserve a little special something.

Mirror, Mirror: Yes, we know you look good all year around, but mirrors can also remind you how good your home looks. We’re not suggesting you get one giant mirror to reflect your spectacular interior design, but, now that you’ve got all of that natural light coming in, having a few mirrors dotted about the place can make that light go even further!…And, if you want to, you can admire yourself whilst your cooking.

Musical Chairs: It’s a fresh start to a fresh year, so why not mix it up a bit and rearrange the furniture? Move the table next to your beautiful, bright window. Move the sofa up against the wall. When you’re done, it will feel like a breath of fresh air and you might discover space that you never realised you had!  Space for, let’s say, a mirror?

Lick Of Paint: This one is a bit more expensive and substantially more time consuming, but, if you’re up for pushing the boat out, a lick of paint can be miraculous. White is always best and, when you combine it with the previous four points made above, you’ll be all set no matter what weather the coming months have prepared for you.

The smallest and simplest of changes can have a hugely positive impact on your home and, as a result, your life. You can’t control what’s going on outside, but you can control what’s going on inside. So take that first step. Hang that mirror up next to the front door. Lookin’ good? You’re looking good. Let’s do this.


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