Property Location: What To Look For

A little while back, we took a glance at what we thought were the top locations in Edinburgh to live in.

Bruntsfield, Stockbridge, Leith…They were all there! And more!

But what makes a specific location a great place to have a home?

Well, this really depends on where you are in your lives and what your priorities are. We’re all different after all and different places have different things to offer.

As a general rule, however, there are certain things to look for with regards to location, before you decide to commit to a property.

To a seasoned mover, these points may have been drilled into you from experience.

If you’re pretty new to the whole moving thing though, and not quite sure what you should consider before committing to an area, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

So, sit back, relax and let us take you on a tour of the top 5 things to look for in an area before making the move.

Transport Links: Whether you have a vehicle or not, it’s good to know that there is public transport available to you if you need it. If you’re living close to the city centre and want to travel further into town, a car isn’t always the most appropriate option. But, then again, it can be a bit of a nightmare to walk, particularly given the rain and time in would take. Being able to catch a bus or tram from ‘A’ to ‘B’ is always a weight off the mind, so take a look around and see what is available to you.

Crime Stats: Edinburgh is a pretty safe place to be. However, as with any city, you’re never going to have a 100% positive disturbance rate and some areas are going to be more trustworthy than others. So, before you’re entirely seduced by that gorgeous home with the wooden flooring and spacious vintage kitchen, check out what the crime situation is in your potential new neighbourhood. What are the neighbours like? Do they all look out for each other? Is there a community watch group? In all likelihood you’ll be just fine, but it’s always better to be informed about what you’ll be getting yourself in for.

Schools: This one might not immediately be relevant to everyone, but it’s obviously worth pondering if you have children or are thinking about having children in the future. Heck, even if you’re not either of those things, is there a school close enough to disturb your morning or break your concentration if you work from home? Check out where the nearest primary and/or secondary is and judge whether it is the right option for you.

Walkable: As mentioned in our opening point, having great transport links is a massive plus. However, we all like to head out for a walk now and again to appreciate our surroundings, grab a cup of coffee and get some good old fashioned exercise. Is this area equipped for those needs? Are there plenty of paths or parks nearby that will allow you to stretch those legs of yours? If you’ve got a dog, this is an especially important factor to consider.

Appearance: At the end of the day, we all want to live somewhere that is pleasing to the eye. There might be plenty of walking opportunities, a great school, no crime and superb public transport, but if it really all looks like a bit of a dump, then you’re really not going to want to spend an awful lot of time there. So, before you sign the dotted line and take the leap into a new property, take a look at your surroundings. Because those surrounding are going to be your home too.

Moving requires a lot of planning and consideration. And, whilst you will understandably be focusing a lot of your energy on the state of the property itself, do remember to pay some attention to the location and what it has to offer.

From everyone here at Belvoir Edinburgh, we hope you are all doing well and enjoying the summer.

Take care and see you next week!

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