Performance & Fizz: Edinburgh Festival 2021

We’ve finally made it…Well, sort of.

The Edinburgh Festival has come back around after a noticeable absence last year and, boy, are we glad to see it.

Of course, it is still going to be very different than what we’re all used to here in the city. Necessary safety precautions dictate that, whilst things are undoubtedly a lot more sunny now than around 12 months ago, we must all still be mindful about what we do and where we do it.

But the Festival is back! That golden star on the Edinburgh calendar is burning brightly again and we, quite frankly, could not be more excited.

What is it about the Edinburgh Festival that makes it so great?

If you’re asking that question then you’ve obviously never been before. Anybody who has been here just once is likely never to forget the experience and all that makes it such a shook up, joyous whirlwind of performance and fizz.

For those of you unfamiliar, let us give you a quick crash course in everything that is to love about our glorious Festival season.  And for those of you who are familiar, let us remind you of why you will always come back and relive the magic and the mayhem of Edinburgh in August.

Something For Everyone: Whether you’re into theatre, comedy, dance, opera, books, politics…you name it, there will always be something here for you to get your teeth into and enjoy. With thousands (and we mean thousands) of performances and events to choose from throughout the month, you will never have the chance to get bored. And it’s not just for us grown-ups. There is plenty here to keep the kids entertained too. It really is fun for all the family!

Star Power: Many careers of those in the entertainment business were made right here in this very event, so don’t be surprised if you see some well-known faces walking the streets of Edinburgh from time to time, revisiting their old ground. The stars of today and tomorrow will be treading the boards and relaxing in the summer sun over the next weeks, so be sure to keep your eye out. And, if you catch a talent that nobody has heard of that completely blows you away, you could be seeing a future A-lister. You could say, many years from now, that you saw them before they were famous. Now that’s always a good story.

Street Performances: If you’re a little light on the budget end and would prefer to just take in the weather and the buzz, there is always a lot going outside on the likes of the Royal Mile and other places.  Magic, singing, dancing, acrobats and a whole host of other weird and wonderful things can be found jollying around on many a frenzied street. It can all seem very busy and even a little overwhelming, but, man, what an atmosphere.

Food & Bars: Whilst the Edinburgh Festival is undoubtedly about trying to catch the very best talent that the world has to offer, don’t forget about the awesome array of food and drink options available at just about every turn. With food stalls and pop up bars leaping at you from all angles throughout the city, you might as well try some of the many delicious delicacies they have to offer. If you’ve been wandering town all afternoon, you’ll be screaming out for some street Thai food and a nice cool beverage to wash down the day. Go on! Treat yourself.

Unique Experience: Like we said earlier, if you’ve been to the Edinburgh Festival once, you’re never likely to forget it. Edinburgh is the greatest of cities most of the time, but, in this one special spot of year, it becomes something so unbelievably special. The joy, the colour, the lights, the electric feeling…The world’s largest festivals are right here in Edinburgh and we are so proud to have them. We love them. And so will you.

Once a year, Edinburgh is hit by an event that transforms the city into the global centre of all things fun. This year, it has returned. It might not be what it was. It might not be quite the chaos that we know it to be and, perhaps, need it to be. But it’s here, it’s alive and it’s ready. We’re ready.

Let the games begin.

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