New Year, New Location: Edinburgh Areas For 2024

And here we are.

2024 is finally upon us. A new start. A new year. How do you feel? Excited? Optimistic?

Well, you should be. And we hope you are.

Here at Belvoir Edinburgh, we are delighted to report, we simply could not be more enthused about all that’s to come. The future is an opportunity for positive change. A chance to grow and evolve…And we like that.

And what about you? Do you have plans for the coming twelve months? Perhaps a change of scenery? A new home for instance?

Because, if buying or renting a new property is on the cards for you in 2024, then we think we can help.

For starters, have you thought about where in our beautiful town you would like to check out as a potential new place to live? It is, we think you’ll agree, quite important. In fact, it may be the first thing you think about when planning a move.

Well, worry not, you intrepid dreamers of Auld Reekie. We are here to help turn your fantasies into a reality by guiding you through what we believe are going to be some of the best areas in Edinburgh to look around over this coming year.

So, pull out your notebook and sharpen your pencil. You’re going to want to make some notes.

Leith: You simply cannot talk about locations that are popular to live without mentioning one of the coolest places on earth: Leith. It has been right up there for years now and we think that 2024 is going to be no different. With Edinburgh Trams now providing swift and easy access to this fashionable spot, you can bet your bottom dollar that the reputation of this place is only going to get bigger and richer. With cracking bars, restaurants and cafes, as well as a vibe unmatched anywhere else in the city, Leith is going to be a name you’ll be hearing a lot about when it comes to ideal living locations.

Bruntsfield: One of our most favourite areas in the entire city has to be the utterly charming Bruntsfield. If a real sense of community sounds like the bees knees to you, we think you’ll be surprised and delighted at what you’ll find here. Close enough to the centre to feel connected and yet far enough away to feel completely its own, Bruntsfield has a lot to offer, whatever your situation, and has always been a popular place to rent and buy in. 2024 will be no different. A lovely place with lovely homes for lovely people.

Polworth: With plenty of properties, Fountain Park entertainment hub and quick access to the city centre, it’s no wonder that Polworth is becoming more and more of an option for people with every passing year. Having the Union Canal on your doorstep is no downside either, especially if you’re one for a wander and admiring nature. This area seems to go up a step every time we visit it and lots of other people are beginning to notice it too. So, if a new home is something you’re after in 2024, don’t pass up the opportunity to have a gander around this hidden nugget of gold. It’s definitely one to consider.

Stockbridge: In Edinburgh, you can find yourself in places that you’d swear wasn’t in a city at all. Stockbridge is such a place. Carved through with the water of Leith and a short skip away from the likes of the Botanical Gardens and Dean Village, this quaint and picturesque location has got ‘Sunday walk’ written all over it. Romantic, and with an air of magic, why wouldn’t anyone want to set up a home here and live a warm and peaceful life? We’d certainly like a property here. Wouldn’t you?

Southside: If diverse and eclectic is your thing, then you’re simply going to love this buzzing gem in the capital. Arthur’s Seat on one side, the Meadows on the other, this exciting location attracts people from all over to its streets and it has become a much liked place to settle down for many. We don’t see that trend changing anytime soon and believe it’ll be right up there with spots in Edinburgh that’ll be full of activity in 2024.

Living in Edinburgh is an honour and a privilege, but some areas are always going to be more sought after than others.

We hope the recommendations that we have made have given you something to think about. However, don’t forget that there is a lot more of the city out there that could quite easily have made our list.

What do you think? Do you have a different spot in mind that we haven’t mentioned here? Be sure to let us know.

From everyone here at Belvoir Edinburgh, we hope you are all happy, healthy and well.

Happy New Year…Let’s make it a good one.

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