Makeover Tips: The Kitchen

“Happiness is a small house, with a big kitchen.” – Alfred Hitchcock

It has been said that the kitchen is the heart of the home. And who are we to disagree? It is where families and friends come together, gather around a table and enjoy the timeless pleasures of good food, good wine and, most importantly of all, good company and conversation.

Many tables, as you may well know, have been noticeably silent of late. The kitchen, through no fault of its own, has become somehow a more sombre and incomplete location without the hope or anticipation of frivolous cheer to motivate its stove.

Of course, there is an end to all of this. A jolly good end, might we add. Of that, there is little to no doubt. The real question here is – if we may be so bold as to ask – are you ready for it to end? Is your kitchen ready for the onslaught of guests that will turn up once this is over, expecting to feel the full force of your famously scrumptious hospitality?

Not sure how to make your kitchen worthy of such an occasion? Worried because you’re renting the property and can’t see how you can add the sparkle without major change?

Not to worry.

Take a look at these 5 tips on hassle free kitchen makeovers and you’ll be well on your way to creating a stylish and homely place to knock up some top quality nosh.

Open Doors: There can be so many cabinet doors in a kitchen, that it can all look just a little bit samey. Why not take off one or two and show your guests all that you have to offer? Open displays are a great way to add a bit of variety to a space and can look very fashionable if done right. Why not line it with some eye popping paper? Just the smallest of things can make the biggest of impacts.

Counter Top Character: It’s no big secret that a counter can start to look a bit drab over time and it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to replace it if you are in a rental. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t have any options. A good looking chopping board can take up almost as much space as a counter and it can be a very practical option too. Or why not introduce some kitchen plants or a small wine rack into the equation? It doesn’t need to cost much, but it can add some life to the room if it’s feeling a little out of sorts.

Prop Up The Bar: Bar stools are always a quirky option and very useful if you happen to have miscalculated your guest numbers. There are all sorts of colours and patterns available, so why not be bold and choose something a little out there? Wonder Woman? Captain America? Just go for it and express yourself. If nothing else it could be a fun conversation starter.

The Right Light: There’s little point fixing up this and that in your kitchen if you have no way off seeing it. Temporary cabinet lights, or even some tasteful fairy lights, can help to brighten up even the most dreary of spaces, not to mention shine a bit of fun on the situation. If you’re not sure that’s enough, then look into changing the bulb in your main light for something with more spark. The kitchen is looking great! Show it off!

Dishing It Out: The dish rack can be a centre of much chaos and dismay, but it can also be a very good looking part of the room. Discarding that stained, plastic atrocity and replacing it with something shiny and new could be the best decision you ever make for your kitchen. And your dishes will love you for it. Go on! Give it a go!

Life happens in the kitchen. It is where all ingredients are met together and the imagination meets love. We hope we have given you some fun ideas as to how to jazz up your kitchen in these hard times in preparation for better days to come.

In the meantime, we at Belvoir Edinburgh hope that you are well and look forward to seeing you again soon.

Take care. And happy housekeeping.


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