Hogmanay 2020: Celebrating The New Year At Home

And so it is. Christmas Day has come and gone for yet another year.

The turkey is finished. The stockings are empty. The tree is beginning to brown and wilt. All that’s left now is to finish off that third box of Quality Street and then we can all start to think about getting things back to normal again…whatever on earth that is.

Only joking!

Hogmanay is on the way and the Edinburgh Hogmanay is the greatest Hogmanay in the entire world!

Yes, we know, things are not what they should be. There will be no Princes Street Party this year and the first footing will have to wait for a little while yet. But are we going to let our troubles stop us from welcoming in the New Year? Are we going to kick out this rotten old 2020 without a good old fashioned, gosh darn, sling your hook, hurrah? Of course not! We are from Edinburgh. And that’s just not how we roll.

So pucker up and find your second wind. Christmas may be over, but the party’s just getting started. And this year, it’s happening at your place.

Not sure what you could possibly do to bring in 2021 with style at your pad? Well, relax. We’ve got it covered. Get your notepad and put your party hat back on. Because here are 5 ways to celebrate Hogmanay this year that will blow your socks off.

Have A Party: What? Have a party?…Yes! You heard us right! You may not be able to go out and mingle with your nearest and dearest, but that doesn’t mean you can’t hit the dance floor in your living room and bust some well-practiced moves! If you live with someone, get dressed up! Put Spotify on shuffle and shuffle your stuff until the dizzy early hours. On your own? So, what’s stopping you? Get on Zoom and bring everyone together! Let’s do this!

Games Night: If you’re looking for something a little more mellow, a games night is the perfect solution. Great for large families and small groups alike, you can choose from a variety of classics or, if you’re feeling creative, invent some games of your own!  This is a great opportunity to have some simple fun and connect with the people you love. Just try not to get too competitive. Remember, it’s just a game!

Movie Marathon: When Harry Met Sally. The Poseidon Adventure…There are tonnes of movies that have some sort of New Year’s Eve theme to thread you through the night, so why not just chill out on the sofa and let the magic of film do its thing? Yes, a lot of them can be a little bit soppy. But, who cares! A bit of a heart-warming blub never hurt anyone. And, in any case, wasn’t Rosemary’s Baby set around New Year? There may be more of a selection out there to choose from than you think.

Romantic Dinner: Okay, this one might not be for everybody. But, if you’re all loved up, this would be a perfect opportunity to light some candles and stare into each other’s eyes over a sumptuous bowl of homemade Bolognese. This one can work both physically and virtually, you just have to get a little inventive with it. But your inventiveness will be rewarded with feelings of warmth and adoration. Just don’t play all your cards at once. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.

Go To Bed: You know, Hogmanay just isn’t for everybody. Time rolls on and life continues. The pressure to get involved and spend time and money organising something that you’re not really enthused about can do more harm than good. So, take a break. Have a sleep. The world will still be there in the morning. The only difference is you won’t have a sore head and a desert dry mouth. Good on you! It’s a wonderful way to start the year.

In Edinburgh of all places, Hogmanay is going to be a bit strange this year. But don’t let that get you down. Look at it as an opportunity to do something that you would, perhaps, not ordinarily do. And, with a little heart and creativity, you could make this Hogmanay one that you will never forget.

Whatever you decide to do, we at Belvoir Edinburgh hope you have a fun, hopeful and safe end of the year. It has been a bit of a rotten one. Next year will be so much better.

Happy Hogmanay!


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