Winter Wonderland: Christmas Decoration Ideas 2020

We don’t know about you, but we at Belvoir Edinburgh love Christmas! In fact, we don’t just love it. We LOVE it!

The lights, the songs, the smells, the cheer…Oh, the cheer! How we need a generous sprinkling of that right now.

Is it a bit early? Of course it is! It seems to get earlier and earlier with every passing year. But don’t tell us you haven’t been thinking about flinging up some tinsel and cranking up the fairy lights lately. After the year that we have had, an early Christmas is much desired and well deserved.

So, don’t feel bad. Don’t be ashamed. We’re right with you, people! In fact, we’ve got some great ideas for you to help make your home extra festive this December. Seriously. It’s going to look like Santa exploded in your living room.

You’ve got your tree. The tinsel is up, the lights are twinkling and the baubles are swinging to Buble. But if you want to push the sleigh out just a little bit further this year (and, let’s face it, why wouldn’t you?), here are 5 little magical extras that can transform your home into a holly jolly Christmas extravaganza.

Scented Candles: There are all kinds of lovely Christmas smelling candles you can get these days, so why not treat yourself to the delicious aromas available to you? They don’t need to be expensive and you can easily pick them up at a variety of stores around this time of year. Of course, as we have mentioned in previous posts, you must be careful with where you use them and avoid leaving a flame burning if you are outside of the room in question. But a candle can be a beautiful addition to any home at any time of year and especially comforting in these cold, winter evenings.

Bring Nature In: Your Christmas tree is up and it looks fantastic. But why stop there? Bringing nature into the home always helps us feel a bit more connected with the world and Christmas is a great opportunity to get stuck in and, frankly, go a little nuts with it all. Holly, mistletoe, pinecones…You know the kind of stuff we mean! A lot of it you can simply pick up during a morning stroll at absolutely zero cost! So get out there and bring some of the outside inside. Trust us. It’ll look and feel amazing.

Ribbon It Up: Life is a gift, so why not wrap it up? You might not want to get those Christmas presents under the tree just yet, especially if there are curious hands about the place. But that doesn’t mean you can’t help create a feeling of excitement by being creative with a bit of bright red ribbon! Wrap up some books or dangle a flicker from a wall frame. Heck, give your front door a piece of the action! The options are endless. Go for it!

Food Glorious Food: Oh, yes! It’s the time of year where so many of us go over board and absolutely stuff our faces stupid. Chocolates, nuts, biscuits…Everywhere, food, food, food!  Don’t worry about the diet or fashioning your poolside swimwear just now. This is just not the season for it. Don’t make yourself sick, of course. That would just be silly. But having the rustle of chocolate wrappers and the gentle crunch of walnuts to invite you on a winter’s eve is no bad thing. No bad thing at all.

Animal Magic: Is there anything in this world that brings more joy than animals? You may not have a pet yourself, but that doesn’t mean you can’t bring some of the creature spirit into your life. We’re not saying bring some reindeer into your living room (though, how great would that be?). But why not try cutting some fantastical beasts out of card? If you have children, this could be a fun afternoon project for them. And if you don’t have kids…well…it’s a fun afternoon project for you.

December is finally here. And thank goodness for that! We’re getting into the swing of things and getting our decorations up. How about you? Has Christmas landed in your part of town yet?

We hope you’re all doing well and getting into the festive spirit. Hopefully we’ve given you some ideas and that you’re ready to take out the mince pies and get this party started.

Take care. Stay safe. And happy housekeeping.


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