Guy Fawkes 2023: Ideas To Celebrate Fireworks Night

Remember, remember, the 5th of November.

That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, it is that time of year again. Pack away your scary masks and discard of your softening pumpkins. Guy Fawkes Night is rushing towards us like a furious rocket, and the time you have to get organised and decide how you want to play it is as brief as a flash.

But what are you to do?

If you are fortunate enough to live in the great Scottish capital of Edinburgh, you’ll know that there are usually a variety of options to participate in on nights such as these and that we as a city are, if we may say so, pretty darn efficient when it comes to putting on a spectacular show.

So let us light the sparkler in your minds and illuminate your dancing horizons. Guy Fawkes Night may have jumped out at you like a raving Jack In The Box, but we’ve got just what you need to make sure you’re fully prepared.

Want your night to go off with a bang? Here are some tips on how you can do it. 

Home Display: If you don’t want to have to rely on others and/or don’t fancy travelling elsewhere, then putting together your own display can be a fun, exciting and rewarding experience. Get some friends and family around if you like, get that Gluhwein going and make a jolly fun evening of it all. However, if you are going to organise all of this yourself, please be aware that there is an awful lot to consider. All safety precautions must be taken down to the final letter. These are, at the end of the day, explosives you are dealing with and, in all likelihood, this is not your area of expertise. Notify your neighbours in advance, keep eyes squarely on any children that will be present and, please, remember that there are pets and wildlife to consider. We know it can be a great evening for all, but be hyper aware of everything around you and of everything that could potentially go wrong. Safety and consideration must come first.

Public Display: As fun as having your own private fireworks display can be, most of the time it is just a lot easier and safer to get yourself to an official public event. Edinburgh has a lot going on around this time of year, so you’ll never be too far away from an explosive extravaganza. Warm drinks, burgers and sausages…Gosh, we’d go along just for that! Throw in some rockets and Catherine wheels and you’ve got yourself one heck of a night out! And the bonus? It’s the coming together of people. People you know. People you don’t know. People you forgot you knew. So grab your coat, wrap that scarf around your neck and squeeze on that comically fluffy hat. Let’s go out and have some fun.

House Party: Of course, you don’t actually have to get the fireworks out at all if you want to celebrate Guy Fawkes. Sure, it’s the done thing and a lot of fun. But, if you have no kids to entertain, then why not get some people over and have a party? Because, if there’s something we’re jolly good at here in the capital, it’s pulling off a banger of a shindig. You can have themed costumes, decorations all around and some sort of gunpowder punch to drink (not real gunpowder. Just spicy will do). Take out the danger aspect of the night and just have yourself a good time. Who needs dynamite when you’ve got pineapple, sausage and cheese on the same stick? Boom!

Vantage Point: Edinburgh is blessed with some of the best city views you could possibly wish for, and so it should come as no surprise that people here in Auld Reekie like to find a high spot in the city and watch the party unfold. Carlton Hill is a great place to gaze across the city landscape and admire the views, but there are so many places you could go if you don’t fancy attending an organised event. So, pack your prosecco and a bag of munchies, because tonight’s going to be a good night. Let’s get this party started!

Pet Sitting: For some, 5th November is the worst night of the year. Why? Because they have pets, such as cats and dogs, that are extremely scared by the explosions and bright, flashing lights. It’s confusing, traumatic and can cause a lot of worry for their owners. So, if you do have your own furry friends at home, maybe consider staying in and giving them the love and attention that they all need and deserve. Close the curtains, give them a hug and do your best to distract them from all of the madness that is going on in the world outside. They are there for you whenever you are feeling blue. It’s only good, right and proper that you do the same for them.

Guy Fawkes Night, fireworks night, bonfire night…Whatever it is you call it, it’s the one time of year where we’re allowed to blow things up and not get into trouble. Done safely, responsibly and with consideration for those around you, it can be a fun night for all.

Whatever you decide to do this 5th November, we hope you are all happy, healthy and well.

Stay warm. Be sensible. And be safe.

Happy Guy Fawkes Night everyone! We hope you all have a blast!

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