2022: Unleashing Our Potential

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 2022.

This was the message written on a good friend’s t-shirt this past New Year’s Eve, which she proudly paraded all over Facebook, much to her husband’s embarrassment. A rather jolly and optimistic outlook, I thought, and one to be applauded given the current irksome funk we all find ourselves in.

Where does someone find such sunshine in these dreary and disagreeable times? How can one look forward with a smile on their face and a beam in their heart when everything looks so unforgivably and depressingly bland?

2022 holidays? Who knows? 2022 movies? Who knows?  What can we pencil down in our 2022 calendar with any confidence or certainty? Where do we look? Where do we turn to in such moments of need?

Well, it turns out, the answer, in this specific case at least, can be found in a name: Taylor Swift.

I know what you’re thinking. And, yes, I can hold a tune. Well enough to charm the birds down from the trees. But that’s not where I’m going with this.

You see, the line “I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 2022” comes from, apparently,  an edit/remix of her 2012 song ‘22’, which found itself to be trending on TikTok towards the end of last year. That vile, frustrating, stinky, muck parade commonly referred to as 2021.

Now, as astonishing and unbelievable as this may sound, Tiktocking and trending are not actually words that are generally associated with the author of this mighty fine blog. Not at all, as it happens. However, having ‘Liked’ a picture of someone of similar age, known to me and clearly having their finger on the pulse of the social media universe, the rather broad minded/deluded spot of my mind almost felt ‘on it’ and down with the kids. Sort of cool by extension, if you like.

It was, needless to say, a bewildering and exhilarating sensation.

Once I’d gotten over this idea of being momentarily, if unintentionally, hip (stay with me), I came to realise that Miss Swift and I, as a matter of fact, actually did have something genuinely in common. No, it was not that we were both super cool people. Clearly only one of us can claim ownership to that particular crown (I’ll let you decide which). It was that, despite everything, I too believe that 2022 is an opportunity for something greater. I too believe that 2022 is an opportunity to thrive and unleash our electric and boundless potential.

We do say this every December, of course. It is ingrained in us and necessary to be hopeful and excited for whatever the future holds as the tired, quivering clock hands reach for the final midnight of the final day of each closing year.

Except, it’s not the final day at all, is it. It is merely the edge of a bigger tomorrow. A starting point for positive change and constructive living.

Here at Belvoir Edinburgh, we look forward to the future. We look forward to working with you in the days, weeks and months ahead, no matter the weather.

What are your plans for 2022? A new home perhaps? Selling up to move onto bigger dreams? Well, you know who to speak to, don’t you? Belvoir Edinburgh are fired up and ready to go. If you need a helping hand with your property needs, we are here for you.

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 2022.

See you there.

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