Tenant Application Forms

Details requested on a Tenant Application form which is generally completed online.


Book Valuation

Applicant / Tenant Personal Details



Middle Name(s)


Previous name(s)

Tenant current address

Applicant’s share of monthly rent

Number of applicants being referenced

Proposed tenancy start date

Date of birth

Marital Status: Married, Divorced, Single, Civil Partnership.

Mobile number

Contact number

E-mail address

Present address

Previous 3 years address history and residential status (owner, with parents, renting, with friends etc.)

Previous landlord / agent details

Adverse Credit Information (if applicable) CCJ’s Court decrees, bankruptcies etc. Details will be required of any and all such issues.


Current Employment Status (Employed, Unemployed, Self-Employed, Independent Means, Contract Worker, Temp Worker, Student, Retired)

Name of company employed by: If Company Director, Company Number, Name of company

Employer Contact details


Gross Salary

Shift Allowance

Overtime Bonus

Car Allowance

London Weighting

Payroll No

Start Date

Nature of employment (Full Time / Part-Time)

Benefits. Details of benefits applicant / tenant is in receipt of.

Tax Credits

Disability Benefit

Child Maintenance

Housing Benefit

Carers Allowance

Fosterers Allowance

Child Benefit

Employment Support Allowance

Guardian Allowance

Details of any additional income

Accountants details where necessary to verify details given.

Self-assessment number

Pension provider’s details where appropriate.

Gross pension amount

NI number


Details of any other occupants

Number of adults

Number of children

Are any of the applicants / tenants or occupants smokers?

Are there any pets that will be housed at the property?

Details of any such pets

Emergency contact details.

Next of kin name and contact details and relationship to applicant / tenant

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