Charity Work

Each year at Belvoir Swansea, Mumbles & Sketty we select a Charity to work with, helping them to raise valuable funds while using our platform to raise awareness about the wonderful work that they do.

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Our chosen charity for 2023/24 is...

Faith in Families is a small children’s charity that is making a big impact on the lives of vulnerable children in Swansea, the Chairty is dedicated to creating change, reshaping poverty, and providing hope for those who need it most.

In Swansea, a staggering 24,038 children are trapped in the grip of poverty. Imagine the daily struggles they face—hunger, cold, anxiety, and despair. These numbers may even underestimate the true extent of their suffering. This reality breaks our hearts, but it also fuels our determination to make a difference.

How will Belvoir Swansea be helping Faith in Families?

We are very excited about the year ahead and the work that we will be doing to

help Faith in Families. Here are some of the things that we will be getting up to…

  • Hosting a Chairty event, with live music, food and fundraising. Aiming to raise £5’000
  • The Managers at Belvoir Swansea will be volunteering their team at one of the Faith in Families Summer events, helping with activities and making the day as special as possible for those children in Swansea, living in poverty.
  • The Belvoir Swansea Team intend to take part in the Three Peaks Challenge, again intending to raise funds for Faith in Families. We are aiming to raise £3’000.
  • Using our platform to promote Faith in Families – throughout the year we will use our platform on social media and through business networking to promote the work that Faith in Families do. This will help them to recruit more businesses like ours, as well as individuals who can also help through fundraising and raising awareness.

Keep an eye on our social media pages for updates!

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Faith in Families has already achieved incredible milestones.

  • Last year they were able to deliver over 1,404 children’s play and support activities, bringing laughter and joy to children. They provided 10,650 hours of intensive, personalized support to 839 children across 43 schools in Swansea, giving them the tools, they need to thrive.
  • They’ve facilitated 211 peer group sessions in primary and secondary schools, creating safe spaces for children to share, heal, and grow.
  • They have worked closely with parents, offering essential skills, back-to-work support, and affordable childcare—because we believe that strong families are the bedrock of strong communities, and ultimately a better Swansea for us all to live.

The demand for our services has never been higher, while the costs of running our programs continue to rise and with the uphill battle of fundraising, where only a fraction of charitable giving reaches local initiatives like ours. But we refuse to be discouraged, because we know that together, we can overcome these challenges when great businesses like Belvoir join us in this campaign, we are delighted that Belvoir Swansea are joining us on this journey.

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Let's meet Faith in Families... 

Ben Davies catches up with Cherrie Bija, and talks about why we’re supporting Faith in Families this year!

A word from Cherrie Bija – Chief Executive Office @ Faith in Families…

‘Faith in Families is more than just a charity—it’s a movement of compassion, love, and unwavering commitment to the children in our community. Will you join us? Your support can be the catalyst for change, bringing smiles to young faces, warmth to their hearts, and hope to their dreams. Together, we can transform lives, one child at a time. Together, we can build a brighter future for Swansea.’

For more information on how you can get involved with helping Faith in Families, you can…

❤️Explore their website 👉
💛Support them here 👉
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