Belvoir’s Guide to selling a house

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Once you have instructed Belvoir to act as you agent, we would need to agree a sales price.

If you price the property too high then this will limit the people wanting to view and the aim is to get people though the door, if people are not viewing then the property won’t sell.

You may find with some mortgages there could be a fee if you are planning on ending the agreement sooner than the end date. It’s worth calling the Lender to check and make sure.

Homeowners need to provide an EPC to potential buyers when they sell their home. You have to have at least applied for an Energy Performance Certificate before you put your home on the market. If you don’t have a current certificate, we can help to arrange this for you.

The better your home looks, the more appealing it will be, if you stage your home well, you are not only more likely to sell your home faster, but you might make it more valuable too

Tidy up, remove of excess clutter make sure it is clean, make sure the beds are made.

Once you have accepted an offer, they will administer the sale. It’s often worth getting a referral from family and friends for recommendations or ask Belvoir and we can recommend ones we have work with in the past.

Belvoir is legally required to pass all offers on to you, before you accept an offer, take a look at the different types of buyers and how to deal with their offers. Remember If you are not happy with the offer, wait to see if a better offer comes along, try to negotiate it upwards or you can reject it outright.

Once you are happy with an offer, you need to formally accept it. Accepting an offer is not legally binding, and you can legally change your mind or accept a higher offer later.

When you exchange contracts with the buyer, you become legally committed to selling the property – and they are legally committed to buying it from you

If you pull out after this without due reason, the buyer’s deposit will be returned to them and you may be responsible for paying additional costs to the buyer.

If you sell a house, you are responsible for looking after it until the sale is completed so you should make sure you have buildings and contents insurance cover until then.

Completion is when the property changes ownership, you accept payment, and hand over the keys

A little like a duel, it takes place on a previously agreed date and usually at midday.

On the day of completion, the money is transferred and any deeds for the property are transferred between each side’s solicitor or conveyancer.

Your solicitor/conveyancer will register the transfer of ownership with the Land Registry.

The mortgage company will have given you and your conveyancing solicitor a precise redemption figure (outstanding amount) for your mortgage for the day of completion.

Now the buyer has transferred the money to your conveyancing solicitor, they will pay off the mortgage for you

After completion, your conveyancing solicitor will send you an account, covering all their costs and disbursements, as well as the sale price of the house and redemption of the mortgage.

If you are buying and selling at the same time, the conveyancing solicitor can settle up for both transactions at the same time, including paying stamp duty for the house you are buying.

Your conveyancing solicitor will ensure that the change of ownership is registered with the Land Registry.

There is sometimes a small discrepancy and you might even get a small refund.