Top Tips For Being Referenced

We conduct a comprehensive referencing process on all our tenants to minimise potential issues during their tenancy.

We understand everyone’s eagerness to settle into their new place, so we aim to expedite the referencing process to facilitate a swift move.

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Why Do I Need To Be Referenced?

Tenant referencing is a crucial aspect of the letting process, providing the Landlord with assurance about the identity, employment status, and ability to make monthly rental payments of the new tenants.

It also gathers references from previous landlords regarding your reliability in paying rent on time, contributing to a comprehensive assessment for landlords during the application process.

Work Out What You Can Afford

When considering properties, be mindful of your affordability. If you find a property you love, check whether your income is approximately two and a half times the annual rent before committing to it.

For instance, if you’re eyeing a property with a monthly cost of £1,000, use the following formula:

£1,000 x 12 months x 2.5 = £30,000

Be Honest About Your History

Failing to disclose a poor credit history may result in a declined application. Provide accurate bank details, as they will be verified for authenticity. Notify us if you have a history of County Court Judgements (CCJ’s) or bankruptcy.

Keep Your Guarantor Updated

If you plan to use a guarantor, they will also undergo referencing. To expedite this process, ensure they are aware of the credit check and employer reference they will undergo. Avoid last-minute surprises for everyone involved.