Belvoir's Charity Balloon Race


We are celebrating the launch of our new office in Haywards Heath with a charity balloon race, in support of St Peter and St James’ Hospice in North Chailey.

Buy a balloon in our race to fly in memory of a loved one, and you can help us raise money for a great cause at the same time.

Entries cost just £3 in advance, for a chance to win a fabulous Kindle Fire HD, as well as tickets to see Peter Andre or Katherine Jenkins in Haywards Heath in July.

Balloons will be released from Victoria Park on Thursday 18 July and the Kindle Fire will be won by the owner of the balloon that travels the furthest distance during the two week race period. (There will also be a prize for the person who finds the winning balloon and returns the label to us). 

Plus, Belvoir have teamed up with It’s Magic Events for even more chances to win!

Everyone who enters the race in advance will be placed in a weekly draw for the chance to win one of three pairs of tickets to attend either Peter Andreor Katherine Jenkins’ concerts on 19th & 20th July.

So, the earlier you enter the race, the more chances you have to win!

Please take part in our balloon race – it’s an easy way to help us raise money for a great cause, and remember a loved one too.

*Full terms and conditions apply


To enter, follow the instructions below:

1. Print a copy of the entry form/label from the website (right-click on the image of the label and select ‘print picture’). Any problems, just email and we can email you a copy.

2. Return the completed entry form with your payment to either:

  • our office at 132 South Road, Haywards Heath, or
  • direct to St Peter & St James Hospice, using their Freepost address: (This incurs a cost to the charity, so please do use a stamp if you are able).

Balloon Race 2013
St Peter & St James Hospice

We are delighted to be able to help the Hospice as part of our launch. A balloon race seems the perfect way to combine celebrating our new business ‘taking off’, and providing an appropriate way to remember a loved one. We hope to raise as much as we can for the Hospice, – a cause we are hugely supportive of – and look forward to meeting everyone who calls in to our office to enter.

Kevin and Karyn Kelley – owners of Belvoir Lettings, Haywards Heath

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