
Top tips for creating a self-space that works for you

Life can be pretty hectic, can’t it? What with the pressures of work, homelife and a whole host of adult responsibilities, it is little wonder then that a popular trend this year focuses on creating a calming space to relax, unwind and download. Self-space is perhaps not the most imaginative name, but for those of us who long for our own personal space, a haven to just focus on ourselves and our own wellbeing, the cap fits! Whether indulging in a relaxing hobby or yearning for a space to practice wellbeing and self-care, self-space is a must. In this article we give top tips on how to create a self-space just for you, whether that is a Spathroom, spa themed bedroom or transforming the spare bedroom into a peaceful retreat.


A spathroom is a spa style bathroom. It takes all the things we love from a relaxing day at the spa and puts them into our family bathroom at home, creating a room where you can reset after a busy day or just to achieve some quality “me time”.

So, what can be done to create that spa feeling at home? Well, the first thing to consider is the décor, use relaxing and calming colours, try experimenting with natural tones, fabrics and furnishings. You will want your towels and bathmats to be soft underfoot, and perhaps treat yourself to a cosy, cotton robe as well. You want to feel wrapped up in a cotton wool world after all. If the budget allows, consider upgrading the sanitaryware, perhaps change the old bath for a lovely spa bath or swap your electric shower for a rainfall shower. If you are going to renovate, consider natural stone tiles, underfloor heating and a heated towel rail.

Next, we need to look at the feel of the room. Create a minimalist space without too much clutter. Try to put most of your toiletries away if you can and only leave out a few carefully chosen premium products. Add a few candles or candle lights, perhaps install colour changing LED lights or a dimmer switch so that you can turn down the bright glare of the lights and create a calm, quiet, muted ambience. A final touch, add some spa music to gentle cascade around the room and a few drops of essential oils to the bath water or in the bottom of the shower.

Finally, it is time to enjoy your calm and relaxing oasis.

Spa Themed Bedroom or Spare Room Retreat

If changing the bathroom isn’t an option, or if you’re unlikely to get any real peace in there then you can look at creating a relaxing bedroom spa haven or transform your spare room into a peaceful retreat.

As with a spathroom, colour and materials will be important.  These will set the scene for the serenity that you are looking for. Try adding some air purifying plants, multi levels of soft furnishings and remove all clutter. Add some calming artwork, an aromatherapy diffuser and your relaxation accessories, perhaps a meditation or yoga mat, some personal care products or your hobby essentials. You can diffuse natural daylight by draping soft voiles across the window, add a salt lamp, candles or change bulbs to low output LEDs to create a kinder artificial light source. Finally add calming, low volume music.

Your self-space haven should now start to feel like a reflective space.

Me time and focusing on your own wellbeing is important. Take some time for you and everyone around you will benefit.