Moving home can be an exhilarating experience, but with it comes a long list of tasks to accomplish. One of the most important steps is ensuring you’ve notified the right people and organisations about your change of address. To help you keep track of who needs to know, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of who to notify when you move home.

- Family and Friends
Your nearest and dearest will likely be the first to know about your move. However, it’s essential to inform your extended family and friends, as well. An efficient way to do this is through a mass email or a social media post. For a more personal touch, consider sending out change of address cards.
- Employer
Make sure you inform your employer of your new address so they can update their records. This is particularly important for receiving important documents, such as your payslips and P60s.
- HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
You must notify HMRC of your new address, as it affects your tax records. You can update your details online using your Government Gateway account, or by post.
- Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
If you’re receiving benefits, pensions, or allowances, inform the DWP of your change of address. You can do this by contacting your local Jobcentre Plus or pension centre.
- Local Council
Inform your local council about your move to ensure you’re registered for council tax at your new address. Additionally, update your electoral roll details to continue exercising your right to vote.
- Utility Providers
Notify your gas, electricity, and water suppliers about your move. Provide them with your final meter readings and arrange for the transfer of your account or setup of a new one at your new home.
- Phone, Mobile, Broadband, and TV Providers
Contact your phone, mobile, broadband, and TV providers to inform them of your move. Arrange for the transfer of services or termination of contracts, if necessary.
- Banks and Building Societies
Update your address with all banks, building societies, and credit card providers. This ensures you’ll continue to receive statements and other correspondence and helps protect against identity theft.
- Insurance Providers
Inform your car, home, contents, life, medical and pet insurance providers of your new address. This is crucial, as your premiums may change depending on the location and type of property you’re moving to.
- Medical Professionals
Notify your GP, dentist and optician (don’t forget the vet if you have pets) about your change of address. If you’re moving out of the area, you may need to register with new healthcare providers.
Update your address with the DVLA for both your driving licence and vehicle registration. Failure to do so may result in a fine.
- Schools and Childcare Providers
If you have children, inform their schools and childcare providers of your new address. This ensures they have up-to-date contact information in case of emergencies.
- Subscriptions and Memberships
Update your address for any magazine subscriptions, clubs, or organisations you’re a member of. This will ensure you continue to receive publications and correspondence.
- Online Shopping Accounts
Change your address on any online shopping accounts, such as Amazon or eBay, to ensure future orders are delivered to the correct location.
- Pet Microchip Register
If you have pets, don’t forget to update the microchip register with your new address. This is important in case your pet goes missing.
- Vehicle Breakdown Cover Providers
Update your address with your vehicle breakdown cover provider to ensure you’re covered in case of an emergency.
- Student Loan Company
If you have a student loan, notify the Student Loan Company of your new address so they can keep their records up to date. This is important for receiving correspondence regarding your loan and repayment information.
- Professional Associations
If you’re a member of any professional associations, such as trade unions or regulatory bodies, inform them of your change of address to maintain your membership and receive relevant updates.
- Solicitors and Accountants
Update your address with your solicitor and accountant, if applicable, to ensure they have the correct details for correspondence and any ongoing legal or financial matters.
- Charities
If you donate to or volunteer for any charities, inform them of your new address so they can continue to keep you updated on their work and send you any necessary correspondence.
- Library
If you’re a member of your local library, update your address to ensure you can continue borrowing books and other materials without any issues.
- Loyalty Card Schemes
Update your address on any loyalty card schemes you’re a part of, such as supermarket rewards programmes, to ensure you continue to receive offers and rewards.
- Pension Providers
If you have a private pension, notify your pension provider of your new address to keep your records up to date and receive important correspondence.
- Passport Office
While it’s not mandatory to update your address on your passport, it’s a good idea to do so if you need to renew it soon or if you travel frequently.
Final Notes
Moving home can be a stressful experience, but keeping track of who to notify will help ensure a smooth transition. This comprehensive list should help you cover all bases when informing the necessary people and organisations of your new address. Remember to start the process early, as some updates may take time to process. Good luck with your home move!