
Is Your Mortgage on the Standard Variable Rate? You Could Be Paying Over The Odds!

The mortgage landscape in the UK is constantly evolving, and homeowners need to stay informed to make the most financially savvy decisions. Martin Lewis, the founder of MoneySavingExpert.com, recently highlighted a crucial issue affecting hundreds of thousands of UK homeowners – being on their lender’s Standard Variable Rate (SVR). This article delves into why being on an SVR could be a costly mistake and offers insights into better mortgage options.

Understanding the Standard Variable Rate (SVR)

The SVR is the default mortgage interest rate that your lender will charge after your initial mortgage deal, such as a fixed or tracker rate, comes to an end. While it offers flexibility, as there are usually no early repayment charges, it often carries higher interest rates compared to other available mortgage deals.

Why Staying on SVR Is a Bad Idea

Martin Lewis’s research indicates that remaining on an SVR can significantly increase your mortgage costs. This is primarily because SVR rates are typically higher than other mortgage options like fixed or tracker rates. The SVR fluctuates based on the lender’s discretion, often influenced by changes in the Bank of England’s base rate, but not always directly correlated. This uncertainty can lead to unpredictably high payments.

The Cost of Complacency: A Real-World Example

Let’s consider a hypothetical scenario. If you had a £200,000 mortgage over 25 years, the difference between a 4% SVR and a more competitive 2.5% fixed rate could be substantial. On the SVR, you’d pay around £1,060 per month, whereas the fixed rate would cost about £897 monthly. That’s an annual difference of nearly £2,000, highlighting the detrimental financial impact of staying on an SVR.

How Do Homeowners End Up on SVR?

Many homeowners find themselves on an SVR without realising it. This situation typically occurs at the end of a fixed or tracker mortgage deal. Lenders usually switch your mortgage to the SVR automatically once your initial deal expires. Unfortunately, many people miss this transition, only noticing when their mortgage payments increase.

The Importance of Regular Mortgage Reviews

Regularly reviewing your mortgage deal is essential. It ensures that you are always on the most advantageous rate according to your circumstances and the market. Mortgage advisors can help in this process, offering professional advice tailored to your financial situation.

Alternatives: Fixed and Tracker Rate Mortgages

Fixed-Rate Mortgages

A fixed-rate mortgage guarantees your interest rate remains constant for a set period, typically 2 to 5 years. This option provides stability and predictability in your payments, protecting you from any sudden increases in interest rates.

Tracker Mortgages

Tracker mortgages, on the other hand, have an interest rate that ‘tracks’ a nominated rate (usually the Bank of England’s base rate) plus a set percentage. While they can offer lower rates than SVRs, they also carry the risk of increasing if the base rate rises.

The Benefits of Switching

Switching from an SVR to a fixed or tracker rate can result in significant savings. It not only provides peace of mind but also helps in better financial planning. However, it’s crucial to consider any fees or penalties that may apply when switching mortgage types.

The Role of Mortgage Advisors

A mortgage advisor can play a pivotal role in helping you navigate through the myriad of options available. They can assess your current financial situation, understand your future goals, and recommend the most suitable mortgage type for you.

Take Action

If you are on an SVR, it may be time to review your mortgage. Assess the alternatives and consider speaking to a mortgage advisor for tailored advice. Making an informed switch could save you a considerable amount of money in the long run.


Please note that this article is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional financial or mortgage advice. Always consult with a qualified professional to make the best decisions for your specific circumstances.

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