Sector Associates Sponsor Local Girls Swimming Lessons

Abbie has always wanted to be a doctor for as long as she can remember and now she hopes to become a doctor in the FSHD field so she can tell other children that they don’t need to worry about their diagnosis. 

Abbie, supported by her family and friends, has set out to fund 100 hours of research into FSHD through her Family Fund with Muscular Dystrophy UK.

Abbies step father said “Jamie reached out after he heard of Abbie’s diagnosis and asked if he could help. He had seen the ‘Abbie Can’ campaign with Muscular Dystrophy UK and asked if there was anything that Abbie needed directly. With Abbies condition, it’s important to provide gentle, low impact exercise to stimulate her muscles while minimising the risk of injury. The doctors have advised swimming would be best so Abbie has doubled up her lessons, which she loves. Jamie offered to pay for the swimming lessons this year and I was blown away.”

Jamie Jenkinson, Managing Director of Sector Associates in Thirsk added ’’As a father of two girls, Abbie’s story resonated with me straight away and I am pleased that Sector have been able to contribute in a small way. Abbie is a brave girl and I hope she enjoys her swimming lessons.”

More information on FSH can be found here  

Abbies Fundraising Campaign can be viewed here

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