Wood, steel or brick; what are the most Popular Design Styles for Buyers?

Design trends are fickle, and they change often. It’s nearly impossible to keep up with every trend and style that comes around so picking one you like, or one you believe potential buyers will like when it comes time to sell, is a good way of doing things.

Of the many trends out there, we’ve seen three that are increasingly popular in the homes going on the market – and buyers love them. We’re not saying to go and redecorate your home but this is definitely something to think about, especially if you’re thinking about a bit of a change.

Picking a style

While it is possible to mix some of these, it can lead to a very jumbled look and feel and as such, it’s generally recommended to pick one that is your main look. You can certainly add elements of the others as touch ups but don’t let them override the main look you’ve chosen.

As for which to choose, this is largely a personal choice as to what works best for you and your home. Cost may also come into it as you’re not just thinking of floors and walls, but worktops, storage, doors and even appliances. There’s a lot to consider and it can add up very quickly. Return on investment is important here, and that can be money from an upcoming sale or just the use and enjoyment you’ll get from it.

The wood effect

One of the most popular trends is wood. Whether you go for solid wood furniture, floors and flooring or choose the wood-effect look, it can be done very well and it matches well with a lot of other materials and colours.

In that respect, it’s probably the most versatile of the big three. Kitchens especially benefit from this look as it captures light well and can be cleaned easily and quickly. That being said, too much and it can become bland and boring so make sure what you’ve is the right tone and effect for you, your furniture and your home. Prospective buyers will thank you for it, too.

Chrome and steel trims

For a long time, the chrome and steel look was reserved for those wanting the ultra modern, almost futuristic look. Now, especially with so many modern appliances sporting this style, it’s never been easier to get a very clean, sharp looking home with this look.

Not everything needs to be in this style but dark tones and materials work very well with this look, and on the other hand, so does bright colours like whites and creams. It’s a very versatile trend and can be combined with wood or brick to add more character to your home – just be careful not to overdo it.

Brilliant brickwork

Brickwork was popular then the done thing was to cover it all up! Now, it’s coming back and exposed brickwork, treated properly and well cared for, can add a lot of character to your home. The variety of styles and colours of brick available mean it’s easy to match to furniture and your tastes, too.

It can invade on space, however, as it is a much thicker option – some homes have thinner walls so you will lose space. On the other hand, you can get the outer brick feel by using slices. There are plenty of options to choose from and whether it’s matched with other styles or is your main look, it will definitely appeal to a lot of buyers.

Other options

As mentioned earlier, it is possible to mix some of these styles to an extent but there are also a lot more to choose from. Colours tend to be popular and change throughout the year. If you find a colour that resonates with you, why not get some colour cards and see how it matches with other ideas you have, furniture you have or want to buy.

The tiled look is also popular but takes a lot of work to do and get right – especially patterned tiles that need to match. The more tiles, the more work and if you have multiple rooms, it can take even longer. The end result could look fantastic though, so remember we’re not trying to put you off but just keep in mind the disruption such work might cause.

What do you think of these styles? Do you know of any others that are popular right now, and do they appeal? Get in touch and let us know. If you’re thinking of making a change while getting ready to put your home on the market, please contact us today.

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