With 4,983 people in Private Rented Properties in Wallington - Should you still be investing in Wallington Buy To Let?

If I were a buy to let landlord in Wallington today, I might feel a little bruised by the assault made on my wallet after being (and continuing to be) ransacked over the last 12 months by HM Treasury’s tax changes on buy to let. To add insult to injury, Brexit has caused a tempering of the Wallington property market with property prices not increasing by the levels we have seen in the last few years. I think we might even see a very slight drop in property prices this year and, if Wallington property prices do drop, the downside to that is that first time buyers could be attracted back into the Wallington property market; meaning less demand for renting (meaning rents will go down). Yet, before we all run for the hills, all these things could be serendipitous to every Wallington landlord, almost a blessing in disguise.

Wallington has a population of 36,242, so when I looked at the number of people who lived in private rented accommodation, the numbers astounded me …

Accommodation Type and the Number of Occupiers

Owned outright – 7,657 (21.1%)

Owned with a mortgage – 16,040 (44.3%)

Shared ownership (part owned and part rented) – 412 (1.1%)

Social rented (aka Council Housing) – 6,949 (19.2%)

Private rented – 4,983 (13.7%)

Living rent free – 201 (0.6%)

Yields will rise if Wallington property prices fall, which will also make it easier to obtain a buy to let mortgage, as the income would cover more of the interest cost. If property values were to level off or come down that could help Wallington landlords add to their portfolio. Rental demand in Wallington is expected to stay solid and may even see an improvement if uncertainty is protracted. However, there is something even more important that Wallington landlords should be aware of: the change in the anthropological nature of these 20 something potential first time buyers.

I have just come back from a visit to my husband’s relations after a family get together. I got chatting with my husband’s nephew and his partner.  Both are in their mid/late twenties, both have decent jobs in Wallington and they rent. Yet, here was the bombshell, they were planning to rent for the foreseeable future with no plans to even save for a deposit, let alone buy a property. I enquired why they weren’t planning to buy? The answers surprised me big time, and I’m sure it will surprise you too. Firstly, they don’t want to put cash into property, they would rather spend it on living and socialising by going on nice holidays and buying the latest tech and gadgets. They want the flexibility to live where they choose and finally, they don’t like the idea of paying for repairs. All their friends feel the same. I was quite taken aback that buying a house is just not top of the list for these youngsters.

So, as 13.7% of Wallington people are in rented accommodation and as that figure is set to grow over the next decade, now might just be a good time to buy property in Wallington – because what else are you going to invest in?  Give your money to the stock market run by sharp suited city whizz kids – because at least with property – it’s something you can touch – there is nothing like bricks and mortar!

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