Where to start when looking for a house?

Where do you start when you’re looking for somewhere to live? Most people come to us and say one of two things – they need somewhere bigger as their family is growing – or they’re downsizing as their children have left home! Whatever the reason, there are a number of factors to consider when you’re beginning your search for somewhere new.

The price obviously dictates your choice to a certain extent, but it’s amazing how many people can find an extra chunk of money when they fall in love with a property. Then there’s the location – is it near the school that you like? Finally there’s the property itself – does it have, or could it have the ‘wow factor’? And that’s probably the most important thing of all!

If the location is your key priority then our office covers all the local areas from Sutton to Croydon and beyond, and there is so much to enjoy and appreciate in Carshalton Beeches itself. In our immediate vicinity is one of our favourite places to visit – Mayfields Lavender Fields just up the road – have you been there?

For many people it's all about the schools – we're lucky that we're surrounded by so many popular schools, both at primary and secondary level. For others, it's important to be near a train station or on a main bus route – all our areas are well serviced by public transport, and the road routes easily access the motorways too. If you don't drive, you might also want to consider being near to local shops and amenities. There are a number of local high streets that are thriving – our own Banstead Road is full of independent businesses who really get involved with the local community and for us it’s really great to be part of that.

Does your heart rule your head? Following our Facebook theme this week of what's important when you're moving house – we considered the house itself. How do you know when you've found 'the one'? Many of us say we just know as we walk through the door – it's a decision often made firstly by our hearts and often within a few minutes of being inside a house.

The photos on the internet tempt the buyers to make an appointment to view, then we rely on the price being within their reach and finally it's a matter of getting the right 'feel' for a property.  So how do you market your house to have that 'feel'? It's all about the preparation and presentation, come in and talk to us for more advice and see how we can help you.

Whatever kind of location you're looking for, give us a call or pop in and have a chat – we can let you know what properties we have on our books, and also keep an eye out for exactly what you're looking for when we're out doing valuations.

If you’re ready for us to visit now, please give us a call on 020 3859 3444 and we’ll be pleased to help.

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