Tips To Stay Happy And Healthy At Home

With Government guidelines advising people to stay at home if at all possible, there is a need to find ways to keep ourselves amused and occupied. At Belvoir Sutton, we are working from home, and we want to ensure our team members, and all the local community, can have some fun during this challenging period.

Therefore, we are pleased to offer tips to stay happy and healthy at home.

Visit an online museum or art gallery

While museums and art galleries are closed, there has never been a better opportunity to explore the contents of some of the most famous tourist attractions in the world. This is because many of the leading museums and galleries are offering virtual tours and walkthroughs.

If you have always dreamt about seeing the displays in a particular gallery, but have never found the chance, you have an opportunity to do so from the comfort of your home. A great example is checking out the spectacular collection at The Met, one of the most famous tourist attractions in New York City.

Exercise indoors

If you have the chance to go outside, even into your garden, and it is safe to do so, you should do. It is good to get fresh air and some sunshine. However, many people will spend the vast majority of their time indoors, but there is no need to give up on your fitness.

There is a fantastic selection of fitness classes available online, and on TV channels. The most popular option in recent weeks has been Joe Wicks, with The Body Coach providing daily PE classes. If you would prefer yoga, cycling classes (for those with an exercise bike at home), or even something more sedate for the elderly, you have plenty of options.

Of course, you may wish to combine your cardio activity with a bit of fun, and what could be better than dancing? If you have people at home, turn on your favourite playlists and have a boogie. This is something you can share with other households too. It has never been easier to share playlists, so make sure everyone presses play at the same time and watch people you know having fun at the same time as you are.

It is crucial to remain connected with others, even if we can’t be physically close, and this is a smart way to have some fun.

Be creative

If you don’t have much in the way of art supplies in the house right now, you may feel limited as to what you can do, but you don’t need much equipment to make something fun. Rather than doing word searches, quizzes, or sudoku puzzles in books, why not make your challenges and pass them around your family. If you don’t have people in the house, share them with friends and family members online.

Colouring in is an excellent activity for all ages, and there is an increasing array of free options online. All you have to do is print them off, and you have an activity that will keep you, and the house, occupied for some time.

Whatever keeps you active and puts a smile on your face has to be considered right now. If you have any property market questions, we are always happy to hear from you, but for the moment, we hope everyone stays safe and manages to make the most of their time at home.

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