Sutton Property Prices: November 2019

There is a lot to be said for staying in touch with local house prices. This is a topic of interest to people in a community, but it is also vital information for people looking to make a move. At Belvoir, we are pleased to say we have assisted many vendors and buyers in Sutton, and we ensure you make informed decisions. If you’re looking for Sutton property prices as of November 2019, we are here to help.

In figures provided by Zoopla, the average price paid for Sutton property in the past 12 months is £439,267. This figure is based on a total of 729 sales, recognised by Zoopla. As of November 2019, the average value of property in Sutton is listed as £449,976.

If you are starting a property search, you are looking to compare areas, or you want an overview of your local area, average prices are of great interest. However, if you plan on buying or selling a home, you should dig a little deeper into the local property market.

What Sutton properties interest you?

After all, if you are a Sutton property owner looking to sell your flat, the price of detached properties in the area isn’t too relevant. As a local property market specialist, we stay in touch with the market, and we are here to provide you with guidance and advice relating to all local property types.

The following information details the average price paid for property types in Sutton in the past 12 months:

  • The average price paid for flats is £268,549
  • The average price paid for terraced properties is £419,779
  • The average price paid for semi-detached properties is £504,840
  • The average price paid for detached properties is £796,218

The range of property prices in Sutton ensures that there is an opportunity for people and households hoping to step on the property ladder or make their next move. If you are looking for a particular type of property, or you want help from a local specialist with expertise in selling your type of home, we can help.

Sutton is an attractive option in the wide area

It is also useful to note figures provided by Rightmove when considering the local market. The average price paid for a property in Sutton is listed as £423,647. The online property portal states that this price is higher than the average price paid for a property in Croydon, but is more affordable than the average price paid for Epsom or Purley property.

Rightmove list the average price paid for flats in Sutton as £272,2765 while for terraced properties, the average is £422,311. Semi-detached properties were listed as having an average price of £508,096.

There is a minor disparity between the figures stated by the leading property portals, but the prices are similar enough to provide confidence regarding expected prices in the market.

However, while average prices for property types are of interest, it is always best to arrange an accurate value on your property. If you choose to sell your home, the average price is a guide, but it is only of merit if you know how your property compares to the average home.

If your home is in a better condition and will receive more demand than the average property in Sutton, you should set a price which reflects this.

At Belvoir, we are Sutton property market specialists, and we can provide you with a bespoke service. If you need a property valuation, contact us today, and we can provide you with a comprehensive range of services which help you sell your home.

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