Structural Checks to make of your Home before putting it on the Market

When it’s time to sell your home, you need to put yourself in the shoes of a potential buyer to really make sure you’ve covered everything that may sway a decision. If there’s a lot of work to be done on a property, it will put some potential buyers off, or bring a lower offer than you’re looking for – but buyers are unlikely to pay the price you ask if they have a lot to spend once the deal is done.

Some big checks often go unmissed, and they are integral to your home. Here are some important checks to make around your home before putting it on the market to ensure you get the offer you’re looking for.

Walls and windows

Checking the walls and windows is never a bad idea. Walls, especially external or bathroom walls should be protected from moisture to ensure damp isn’t an issue, as this will put buyers off. They can be big jobs but it’s important not only for the health of your home but also anyone living inside. Damp and mould are big safety issues that can also affect the building too.

The seals around the windows can be a big source of damp and condensation and should be addressed as soon as possible. Regular maintenance will make this an easy job that requires very little effort but reap big rewards during the selling process.

Gutters and drains

Are there a lot of trees in your garden or around your home? Leaves can be a big problem in gutters around autumn and early winter, causing blockages and adding enough weight (with trapped water) to damage them. This stops water from draining properly and can lead to leaks or damp throughout your home – something buyers do not want.

Drains can also be blocked easily, and being on the ground there’s more than just leaves to look out for. Loose earth and rubbish that is blown around also play a part so make sure you keep these areas clear and functioning to give buyers no reason to drop their offer as a result of this area.


We live in a digital age, and electricity plays a big part in keeping us connected. It’s important to have plenty of plug sockets for these devices in convenient places but also ensure these points are in a good working order.

Electrical faults are a safety concern and it’s more common for potential buyers to get electrical checks done to ensure everything is in working order and that it will meet their needs. It’s easily missed but if you can prove one has been done and everything is in good order, it will reduce the time spent on negotiations and admin work throughout the process.

The roof

It’s easy to forget about the roof – despite it being such an obvious area to look after. With extreme wind and raining occurring at various points of the year, there’s plenty of potential for leaks, loose tiles and other issues. While big problems are quickly noticeable, little ones can take more time to appear and regular checks will prevent any unwelcome surprises for you and buyers.

At the same time, insulation is worth keeping an eye on. Whether or not you have a loft space, the roof insulation can make a difference to the temperature inside your home and, as such, energy efficiency. This is something else buyers are looking at more regularly.

Property access

While not strictly a structural check, looking at the access points to your home is also a good idea. Whether it’s a driveway that needs to be redone to be suitable for modern use, kerbs that need dropping or easy access to the inside of the property itself, you will have to make a decision as to what needs to be done.

Remember, the outside is the first thing potential buyers will see when they arrive so on top of making sure the entrance is functional and suitable, it needs to be well-kept and looked after to provide that all important great first impression.

There are a number of checks to make before putting your home up for sale. This will save you time and hassle down the line and means you are in a stronger negotiating position when offers arrive. If work is needed, it could devalue your home. To find out more, contact us today.

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