Selling your Home this Winter? Worth Reading this!!

While Spring tends to be the most popular month to sell your home, it’s not set in stone. In fact, there are some great reasons to put your house on the market in winter – especially if it fits into your plans.

It does take a little more planning as there are factors beyond your control to account for but putting in the time can lead to some fantastic rewards and really let your home shine above the rest. We’ve put together some things to think about here to get you started.

Start with the outside

Let’s set the scene. You’ve put your house on the market, got some great brochures, photos and descriptions done. A few viewings have been booked and you’re confident that everything is done and dusted. Right?

When your viewers turn up, the first thing they’re going to see is the outside. The front garden, if you have one, the drive and entrance. Even the building itself is going to make an impression. It’s not easy if the weather is bad but if you can, take the time to clean up any clutter or leaves from the front, make sure the path is in good condition and your windows are clean. This will make prospective buyers feel like the house they’re looking at is well cared for before they even step inside.

Keep on top of the cleaning

Much like the outside, you have to keep on top of the inside, too. This is true throughout the year and it’s very easy to let a busy schedule distract you. While a home is for living in, you want to present food for thought for every viewer to increase the chances of a bid being made.

Keep clutter hidden away and present your home as you would like to see it if you were the viewer. A warm welcome in a tidy house is going to give a much better idea of what it has to offer compared to when it’s untidy. This also leads us to our next tip.

Create cosy and warm atmospheres

This is so much easier to do with a clean and tidy house. You can light the fire, turn the heating on, put clean blankets out and create the kind of warm, cosy and snug atmospheres that viewers are going to be hooked on, especially in winter when the cold is trying to creep inside.

This is going to strike a chord with viewers and its very good to take advantage of the seasonal weather and making it work for you. Light some candles, turn some lamps on and offer some mood effects to your rooms. When the light fades outside, this is going to make your home even more inviting and appealing, which is exactly what you want!

Make the most of your resources

The write resources are going to be important in showing your home in the best way. As the weather worsens, getting a clear day for pictures is more difficult and may need to be done on short notice so try and free as much time as possible.

You can also try something different, like photoshoots at night that can really go along with daylight photos and show off the cosiness of your home. Descriptions and information can be tailored to the time of year to help buyers really understand what they’re going to get from your home. It may mean multiple descriptions and photos to target different audiences at certain times but its worth the effort.

Beating the competition

One of the benefits of selling during the winter is that there are fewer properties available on the market. This is because a lot of sellers are waiting for better weather as it’s supposed to be a better time to put their home on the market.

Despite this, buyers look throughout the year, so you can beat a lot of competition before they even hit the market. That initial edge, combined with the tips above, can really make your home stand out against what else may be on the market.

Stop over Christmas

Remember that Christmas is a busy time not only for you but potential buyers. Family takes over and it’s worth letting everything slow down. Over this period, don’t worry about keeping up the clean and pristine appearance – live in and enjoy your home – but set aside some time shortly after to do a thorough clean and declutter to get back to what viewers want to see.

Are you thinking of putting your home on the market this winter? Talk to us today to find out how we can help!

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