How does your garden grow?

This week we’ve focussed on the outside space of a property – the garden. With so many options available to you, how do you choose a style of garden? There are the traditional lawns with flowers beds either side, then there was a trend for paving, gravel and decking – low maintenance styles and gardens with no grass to cut  – but do make sure that you consider the drainage so you don’t create a waterlogged patio!

Whatever your choice is, if you’re about to sell then your garden needs to be tidy and appear well maintained – even if you’ve just called a gardener in to help prepare it to sell. First impressions are everything. They are so important but especially when you’re moving home, you need to show that a garden is manageable. Nothing is as off-putting to a prospective buyer than an overgrown, out of control garden – unless you’re selling to a keen gardener who wants a project! And although that’s entirely possible, we can’t guarantee it!

So tidy up, clear away any rubbish, old pots and debris, so that when the photographer arrives, your garden looks beautiful.

Mature shrubs and bulbs which flower every year are great – it means you don’t need to start from scratch every year to get some colour in your garden. If you have ever bought a new build house from plan or as new, you’ll know what it’s like to have a garden with no plants – maybe you’ll have a lawn if you’re lucky and fences! Starting from scratch can be exciting or overwhelming depending on your experience and personal starting point. It can be expensive and time consuming to design and create a garden full of colour, but you can make quick wins with pots and decorative planters.

When you’re selling a house, it needs to look loved and cared for and that includes the outside space – driveway and garden. So do take time to look after it, particularly while your property is on the market.

If you would like any more help and advice, please call us on 020 3859 3444 or pop in and say hello – we’d love to meet you and find out what you’re looking for in your next home.

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