How can you Juggle Work, Family Life and Selling a House?

How can you Juggle Work, Family Life and Selling a House?

When you decide to sell your home, it would be great if life just stopped until the whole process had finished. Unfortunately, that’s not likely to happen. You might still have to work and look after the family as well as keep some semblance of a social life.

It’s going to be a balancing act from before the house goes on the market until you’ve settled into your new home. If everything goes to plan, this won’t take long but on the other hand, it might take a while. Put some steps in place first and you’ll make it easier for yourself and those around you. Here are a couple of ideas that can make the process easier for you.


Choose a good estate agent

Estate agents are here to work on your behalf throughout the selling process. That means we can do things for you, especially the admin, legwork, negotiating and house viewings while you carry on with your normal life. We’ll have an idea of when you’re working or away and try not to disturb you during those times.

This understanding is the beginning of our relationship – and the goal is to get you the sale you are after! Our knowledge of the process and local area will be a huge asset to you and we’ll be working to get you the best outcome.


Manage your time

Knowing how much time you have to do things can make us all more productive. It might not be high on your priorities list but during this period, we can guarantee it will help. You don’t have to plan out every minute of your day but know what you have to do and how long it will take – that’ll give you an idea of what time you have left.

If you need, or want, a little more structure, break down your day and keep a schedule. You know when you have to be at work, how long the travelling takes, what chores you have to do and what free time you have. It might feel tedious but it will help you keep track of what’s going on and during the selling process, and that could be just what you need.


Do jobs as they appear

This might seem like common sense but there are times we’ll put things off until later when they feel more worthwhile to do. That’s not such a good idea during the process. Jobs like wiping counters, a quick hoover or taking the rubbish out take only a couple of minutes to do when they first appear and this makes them easier to manage.

It also helps with house viewings, which can take place at different times on various days. By not leaving jobs until later, you ensure there will be no surprises during a visit that could have been easily avoided.


Don’t pretend everything is normal

For your own benefit, and your family’s, don’t try to pretend nothing is happening and everything is normal. There are going to be changes throughout the process and trying to act like nothing is happening will be even more draining. Rather than try and go about as normal, take the changes in your stride and make them a part of your life.

Doing this will make the process easier on everyone and allow you to make better plans. There’s no reason to stop doing what you want to do but by managing your time better and delegating tasks you don’t need to handle, it will be a better time for you and everyone else.


Set aside some time for yourself

It’s important to make sure you set some time aside for yourself. Make sure you have chances to rest, whether it’s putting your feet up with a book, going for a run or meeting friends. You need that break, too, so make sure you get it. It might only be five minutes to yourself on some days and a couple of hours on another but take advantage of every moment you can get.

This will keep you calm and energised. Not only is this great for normal day-to-day life but also dealing with your estate agent or potential buyers during house viewings and negotiations. You want to forge a good relationship with these people and it’s easier to do when you’re at your best.

We know that selling your house can be a testing time but we’re here to make it as easy as possible for you. Get in touch with us today to find out what we can do to help.

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