Favourite spaces

Which room in your house is your favourite? Do you like the sanctuary of your bathroom – a deep filled hot bath, full of bubbles and lit by candles? Or perhaps that’s just a dream – your real bathroom is full of plastic bath toys, a baby bath and all the paraphernalia that goes with having toddlers in the house!

Maybe it’s an open plan living space where you can enjoy your time with friends and family and have enough space to all sit around comfortably, sharing stories and tales about your week, catching up on everything that’s happened since you were last together. Do you like the flexibility of having an open plan kitchen/living area – somewhere for people to sit and chat while the food preparations take place?

If you have recently renovated or redecorated – did you choose something modern, streamlined and peaceful? Or did you go for the more haphazard comfy sofa, bookcases stuffed full of books, ornaments and memories?

For some of us, the favourite place is the garden – the outside ‘room’ that offers tranquillity, open space and sky – together with the plants which need attention and nurturing. Flowers and plants have been proven to relax us and the trees around us absorb carbon dioxide and release much needed oxygen, cleaning our air as well as providing a habitat for trees, squirrels and bugs.

Spending time outdoors and walking is good for us to reduce blood pressure, who doesn’t feel better after a walk, even if it’s a short one? With so many open green spaces available to us in the borough, you’re never very far away from somewhere away from traffic to have a stroll and enjoy your surroundings.

Maybe your favourite place is a local park, away from your home! If you’re looking for somewhere new to make a favourite place then pop in and have a chat – we’d love to talk to you and see if we can help.

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