FANFARE - It's competition time!!

This week we’ve been asking what you’re looking for when you move house… and as a thank you, we've teamed up with The House of Flowers to give one lucky person a £20 voucher for flowers to brighten their home. Just like the National Lottery, you have to be in it to win it and this time it really could be you! And even better, it’s free and the odds are in your favour for this competition!

Some of our buyers want to move into pristine properties – just unpack their furniture and start living – others want to redecorate and make changes straightaway. We all have a different idea when it comes to our ideal property which is great. In this part of the world we’re really lucky as there are so many different styles to choose from. Will you be looking for a new or old house – one you can add character to, or one that comes with heaps of history and period features? Whatever you like, please let us know and then while we’re out carrying out valuations, we can look for a house with you in mind.

Or maybe you know from experience, that having a fixed list of what you would ideally want isn’t always good idea – sometimes you just walk through the door and know that it’s the right property for you.

Whatever your ideas and thoughts are – please share them with us!

Enter the competition to win by simply liking our Facebook page and letting us know which 3 words describe your ideal property in the comments below Monday’s post!  The competition winner will be drawn at the end of April and will be announced on our page.

(You must be over 18 & resident in the UK to enter, and willing to have your name and photograph used on our page if you're lucky enough to win!)

So now that the Easter holidays are over, most children are back at school and spring has definitely arrived – it’s been a beautiful week of blue skies and sunshine at last!  If you’ve been thinking about moving for a while but have been waiting for the weather to improve, now that it has, are you ready to put your house on the market?

Give us a call on 020 3859 3444 and we can arrange to come round and have a chat about what your plans are – we can give you a valuation and take it from there.

Let us help you sell your property and find your ideal home!

Book Valuation