Building a Healthy Home

Building a Healthy Home


Home is our place of refuge and safety. But not many people know that it can also be a dangerous place for us. We feel safe whenever we are at home, but we can also be sick staying at home because of some health risk issues it has. It is important to be aware of all these risks and take action to avoid future problems.

You have to take note of these seven priorities at home to make sure you are on the right track of building a healthy home.



 Safety of the family is definitely everyone’s top priority. There are numerous cases of accidents at home, mostly children. Keep sharp and poisonous objects away from kids. Check all the sockets and anything that could initiate fire, as well.


2. Cleanliness

 Tidy home keeps people from being contaminated and sick. Ensure harmful chemicals would not be mixed with food and water. Also, make sure food containers are clean and sterilized.


3. Pest-Free 

 Pests can be a source of health problems. Keep a well-maintained home and extra precaution to avoid pests from invading your home.


4. Ventilation

  Fresh air is a must, whether inside or outside your home. Clean your exhaust fan regularly and place plants and shrubs inside your home as much as possible to maintain the fresh air.


5. Maintenance

  Being clean is not enough. It is important to maintain your house. Neglected homes have a high risk of having pests, moisture, and accidental injuries.


6. Dryness

 Moisture invites pests, mice, molds, and roaches, which in turn can lead to health issues. Keep your house dry at all times.

7. Contamination

  Be watchful of the source of lead, radon, pesticides, and other harmful gasses and chemicals. Children are a vulnerable target of all the health risk it can give.


Home should be the safest place for us. The very reason why we choose the most convenient and secure place to live in. While we focus on the outside environment, we must also pay attention to the inside of our home. Because a healthy family builds a healthy home. 

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