7 Ways to Help your Home Stand Out to Buyers

When considering selling your home, there’s more to it than simply putting it on the market and waiting for buyers to arrive. When they do visit your home, you have to be ready to amaze them from the moment they pull up outside. That will help make your property appealing and more likely to receive offers.

We’ve put together seven ways to help your home stand out to buyers so that you can make the best first, second and third impressions possible.

Be objective

This is one of the most difficult things to do for anyone. You’ve lived in the house for a long time and created some amazing memories. Now that it’s time to move on, you need to think about how your home and each room will look to buyers who come to look at it.

Stand in the doorway and look at what each room is, not what it became for you over the years. What will visitors be looking for and how can you make your home more appealing to the people who walk inside? Those are important questions to ask.

Clean and Declutter

A home is there to be lived in. We all try to keep it clean but when things get busy it’s easy to let things slip a little. That’s okay, we all have those busy times! While it’s on the market, though, you need to do your best to keep it tidy for any potential viewers whenever they call.

A clean and tidy garden makes a great first impression. Keep clutter from gathering. Know where everything lives and keep it there. Keep tables clear from things like letters, keys, boxes and more that we’ve always been used to leaving around. Believe it or not, that helps your home feel bigger.

Give every room a focal point

Making every room stand out sounds easy – but it’s not! One of the best ways to do this is by giving every room a focal point, presenting it in a way that instantly sticks in the mind of anyone who sees it.

Whether that’s done through an ornament or picture, the furniture placement or specific feature like a fireplace will depend on each room. The quicker and easier it is to see, the more likely it is to stay with them through the visit and compared to any others they see.

Encourage natural light as much as possible

Natural light is important as it makes each room look bigger and feel more inviting. Keep the curtains open when the sun is up and make use of mirrors to reflect it further and remove any dark corners. The more space you can create, the more appealing your home will be.

Also, make sure the windows are all clean to avoid any stains and marks casting shadows inside. Both will be noticed by buyers so keep on top of it!

Look at similar properties on the market

Whether you’re planning to move to a similar type of property or not, taking a look at existing homes like yours on the market is a good way to see what other sellers are doing and what you can emulate or do differently to stand out.

Go one step further and check houses in your area. These are likely to be direct competition to you so get ahead of the game by seeing what they’re offering and what you can do to top it.

Get a second opinion

Ask a friend, family member or estate agent to take a look and give you their feedback. Much like the first point, let them be as objective as possible so you know what to expect. This gives you a chance to change anything before buyers see it.

Go for third and fourth opinions too, if you can. As long as by the end, they’re all on the same page you know you’re getting close. By choosing different people, you can also cover all bases.

Listen to your estate agent

Estate agents know what they’re talking about. From property knowledge to local information to what makes your home stand out. Asking their thoughts on how to make each room stand out isn’t a bad idea and a discussion between you can not only impress potential buyers but help the agents when they’re guiding visitors around. That makes it a win-win for you both.

If you have any questions, or want to find out more about how to help your home to stand out to buyers, get in touch with us today!

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