5 Tips for a Happy Home

1) Color does affect the mood
– If you’re not a fan of painting your walls, you can decorate the house or your room to make it festive and happy. Also, open the blinds and curtains. Natural lighting can boost your energy.

2. Use positive words on a daily basis
– Write at least 3 things you are grateful for and share this with your family. You can also search online for a motivational phrase, print and put it in a frame and put it up in your room so you will feel motivated every day.

3. Get rid of clutter
– This includes making your bed every morning, dirty clothes in the hamper, washing dishes and tidying the kitchen after a meal. Wouldn’t you want to unwind in a clean, comfortable and relaxing atmosphere?

4. Dinner time should be fun
– The rules of “No devices at the table” should be implemented, if you still haven’t. Disconnecting in social media while having a warm hearty meal with your family is necessary to build bonding.

5. Balance work and home life
– Set a time for relaxation with your loved ones. Spending time with your partner, reading bedtime stories and tucking your kids to bed is also your job. Working late night shifts are okay but make sure you don’t neglect family time.

– Set a time for relaxation with your loved ones. Spending time with your partner, reading bedtime stories and tucking your kids to bed is also your job. Working late night shifts are okay but make sure you don’t neglect family time.

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