The who, where, why, what, when and how of Enfield PRS licensing.

So you’ve heard something about Landlord Licensing but you’re not really sure what it is or if it applies to you. Well, based on information currently available, here is a top level overview of the plans:

WHAT is Private Rental Sector (PRS) Licensing?

It’s a scheme by which residential Landlords will need to obtain a license for each property they own in order to rent it to tenants.

WHY is this being introduced?

The Council believe that there is a link between anti-social behaviour (ASB) and the PRS and that licensing will help to tackle ASB and improve communities.

WHERE is this being introduced?

In Enfield there is blanket introduction of the scheme across the borough.

WHO needs a license?

Whether you rent out a 4 bed detatched house in Oakwood or a room in your own home in Bush Hill Park, you will need a license for that property. The license applies to the property not the Landlord, so if you have three rental propertes you will need three licenses.

WHEN will this start?

The scheme starts in April 2015 when a five year license will cost £500.  However, you will be able to buy your license early from November 2014 for a reduced price of £250.

HOW will I get a license?

The Council is planning an online self-cert system for Landlords, available via the Council website from November. It is assumed that like other boroughs, a paper application form will also be available.


Yes, for most Landlords it will not just be a matter of buying a license and carrying on as normal. There are a series of ‘License Conditions’ that Landlords and agents will need to adhere to regarding tenancy and property management.

WHAT happens if I don’t get a license.

There’s a potential £20,000 fine for renting out a property without a license and failure to adhere to an individual condition could lead to a £5,000 fine.

WHERE can I find more information?

For the latest information please visit the Enflied Council website –

The Belvoir Enfield website will also be kept up to date with relevant information. Please also feel free to contact the office on 020 8364 5418.

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