The pain caused by arrears (Part 2)

In The Pain Caused by Arrears (Part 1) I related the story of Edith who was struggling with arrears, desperate to get her house back and visibly feeling the stress and strain.

Landlords react in different ways and a couple of months before meeting Edith I met another landlord, Marsha, who had a similar experience but reacted very differently. Her tenant had stopped paying rent and after 6 months she ignored the advice of her agents and took matters into her own hands…….

Marsha’s Story

‘I went round there Rachel’ she said ‘I knocked on the door, he wasn’t in, so I phoned him. I said –

“Are you going to pay me this month? No? Then you’re not living in MY flat anymore!”’.

She let herself in, bundled all his things into black bags and piled them in the front garden. <Yes, really!>

My colleague Samantha and I looked at each other amazed, our mouths opening and closing like goldfish…….. more

Book Valuation