PRS Licensing - Full Council meeting July 2014

The debate about Landlord Licensing continues. This controversial scheme due for implementation in April 2015 has been through the consultation process, approved by Council Cabinet and the decision reviewed by Overview and Scrutiny.

At tomorrow evening’s (16/7) Full Cabinet Meeting, the opposition leader Councillor Terry Neville, will table an opposition to the introduction of PRS Licensing.

In his opposition paper, Councillor Neville points out that Licensing does not in fact give the Council any greater powers to tackle bad landlords than it already has. He requests that the Council:

– Use the powers they currently have more effectively

– Adopt the measures introduced recently by the government to deal with issues in the PRS.

– Reconsider the decision to introduce PRS Licensing.

An update following the meeting will be available in the Belvoir Enfield News Pages.

Read the full opposition paper here.

Find further meeting information here.

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